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Melissa's POV:
"CHRIS!!!! WHAT HAPPENED OH MY GOD SOMEONE CALL THE FRICKING COPS ALREADY HEY HEY CHRIS YOU GOTTA STAY WITH ME I KNOW YOU PROBABLY CANT HEAR ME BUT I DIDNT MEAN IT. I DIDNT MEAN..." she says the last couple words crying but she got interrupted "the ambulance is here make room" everyone backed off Chris but I didn't and I wasn't going to.

" ma'am please step away from him we have to take him to the hospital ASAP." The paramedic said dementedly. "I'm going with him!" I say "sorry but you can't your not family" he says trying to make me let go of Chris which I was hold on to tightly " HES FAMILY IS IN OHIO! SO IF YOU WANT WE CAN WAIT FOR THEM TO GET HERE BECAUSE HES NOT GOING ALONE AND I AM HIS FAMILY!" I say loud and in a convincing voice that I'm not going anywhere. "Fine... you can come let's go guys on my count 1..2..3" he says as he carries Chris into the stretched and into the ambulance.

{as they arrive at the hospital}
"Chris Wood. Mid 20s fell off about 25 feet. Unconscious and un steady he coded once but now is stable but has a very low pulse." The paramedic said as they took him behind the doors and said that I couldn't come and that I had to wait but I couldn't I can't just stand here knowing that he might die any second now. I pace back and forth until a nurse approached me asking me if that's Chris families number and I said that I'm going to call them and break the news so she left and I cold Chris Mom whom we FaceTimed a couple times and she visited me at the hospital.

Melissa: hey
Chris Mom: hi dear how are you?
Melissa: I'm I'm good
Chris Mom: what wrong I can tell by your voice are you okay did Blake do something again
Melissa: no I'm okay. It's Chris... *she said with her voice cracking*
Chris Mom: What happened... MELISSA is he okay!?!
Melissa: umm Chris fell off his harness. He's in Vancouver Hospital. I think he's in surgery right now
Chris Mom: WHAT! *starts crying* I'm coming with his dad and Libby the first flight out there. I I gotta go bye Melissa.
Melissa: wait Mrs. Wood

The whole cast is here in the waiting room the doctor just came out. "Is he okay did he make it" everyone is asking a different question. "He's ok we had some complications but he's okay he's not out of the woods yet" the doctor said "can can I see him" I say shaking. "I'm sorry Melissa but he's in pre op in the recovery room he can't have visitors but when he gets out you still can't see him unless this parents say so" the doctor says. " come on Derek you know he would want he there! He's parents are in a plane they can't reply if I call them" I say in a loud but not yelling voice and I know the doctor because he was my doctor who operated on me " I'm sorry Mel I know he was there for you but I can't break the rules" he says putting his hand on my shoulder then leaving. "Well I'm not going to say here just wait until his parents come which is not for another 4 hours! *then Chyler says 'Melissa' softly* NO I'm going to do something I'm going to find out who did this!

Authors note:
HEYYYY! So Chris is okay but not out of the WOOD yet 😂 get it.  Okay I'm lame 😒. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Please vote and comment what you think Mel is going to do and or where she's going in the next chapter.
Love you guys 💕

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