So much for a easy day

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Melissa's POV:
Today is my first day back. And I don't know how to feel I'm excited to get out of the house but I'm scared at the same time. There's going to be a lot of questions and I don't know what or how to answer them. Chris and Chyler or as they call themselves now C2 (it's complicated) as there superhero name they've created such a safe environment and I know that they are keeping something from me but I don't know what and I'm not sure I wanna know. But I'm glad that Chris and Chyler are going to be with me on set. Because they never left my side especially Chris ever since he found out about me he's been sleeping in the hospital or Chylers house I honestly don't know what to do without them. "You ready" Chris said as I looked at him with worried eyes "just breathe and know that I'm going to be with you every step of the way" He says "we both will". "Yeah the C2 will never give up!" Chyler said with a big smile on her face as we head to set.

Chris POV:
I'm really worried about Melissa I don't want her to be faced with anything that's uncomfortable. I hope she okay. We told the writers about what happened with Melissa so that they go easy on her for the first couple days and use her stunt double more than usual.

"Oh hey guys! We've missed you so much!" We see Jeremy and Mehcad approaching us as Jeremy hugged Chyler and Mehcad hugged Mel " ouch!" Mel says when Mehcad hugged her "are you okay" he said with a worried face. "Yeah I'm fine have you been working out more you've gotten stronger!" Mel says trying to hide her pain and changing the subject to anything put her. " well pfft I may have been working out more" Mehcad said flexing his muscles. "Yeah yeah show off" Jeremy said as he slapped Mehcad in the stomach continuing "we have to go shoot a seen see you guys in there".

As Jeremy and Mehcad leave I turn around facing Mel who has her hands on her stomach and is bending down trying to ease the pain from Mehcads hug and her bruises. "Hey are you okay." I say as I rub my hand on her back saying it not as a question but more like a statement because I didn't expect a answer. "Oof that hurt like a Bee Hive" Melissa said. "I'm sorry babe here let's go inside and get you some donuts that'll make you feel better" Chyler said "Yeah I heard that they had the powder one your favorite" I say as I notice Mel's face lit up. She's like a 5 year old stuck in a 28 year old body! Just the though of Ice Cream and Donuts light up her face. "Well... the cure may be 3 Donuts wait no 4" Melissa says smiling as both Chyler and I stare at her. "How are you not fat right not!" Chyler said as we walked off to set to get Melissa those donuts.

"Okay I have to go shoot I'll be right back oh and Melissa those donuts are not going anywhere so chew darling chew" Chyler said smiling and then laughing as Melissa looks up with her mouth full and donut powder all over her face. "Hahaha" I couldn't help but laugh and then look at her trying to swallow what's in her mouth. "Okay have fun" Melissa said as she finally swallowed what was in her mouth. "Here" I say as I wipe the powder off her mouth and face. "Thanks" she said as she took another bite of her second donut and got powder all over her face again. "Yup" I say laughing.

We've been talking for the past 20 minuets nothing new but this time I don't know what happened but I had to tell her she just looked perfect today and she kept laughing even though it looked like it hurt but she didn't mind that's because of how strong she is. She's just Just perfect. So as she finished what she was saying which ended with a small laugh we just looked At each other till I broke the silence "I like you" I say " yeah I think I'm warming up to you too" she said joking with a chuckle at the end. "No I mean I like you like you. Like more than a friend" I say and her face was blank " I mean all this time I've been hanging out with you 24/7 it's brought up something that I didn't know that was there but deep down I always knew and I- I don't know what this means or what it'll do to our friendship but I just know that I couldn't not tell you especially after everything that's happened because I really do care about you Melissa and I couldn't stop thinking if I we could be something more" I say all in one breath as I wait for a response and when I got it I didn't really want to hear it "umm Chris I just got out..." and before she could finish she got interrupted " Oh Chris there you are I've been looking all over for you. They need you on stage 2 ASAP to shoot your flying scene" she says. "Okay I'll be right there thanks Meredith" I say as she leave's " umm I have I have to go shoot... yeah" I say getting up faster than the flash and leaving regretting EVERYTHING that just came out of my mouth "why Chris why" I say inside my head.

Melissa's POV:
What the hell just happened I say as I put my head down on the table. Did he just. No he didn't. I mean it's Chris. But it is Chris. WHAT no my divorce hasn't even been finalized it's too soon I'm not ready. Not after Blake and everything I've went through and is still going through but Chris is not Blake not in a million years. Ughhhh why does it have to be so hard. Million thoughts are going threw my mind as I heard a loud BANG! It sounded like someone fell and everyone around is yelling "call an ambulance" "call 911" "he's unconscious but has a pulse" "how the hell did he fall!". So I ran to where the noise was coming from and when I got there I felt as though time slowed down but my heart was racing faster than it's ever been. "Chris..."

Authors Note:
AHHHHHH ITS CHRIS WHO FELL SHSJSH I HOPE HES NOT DEAD! NOT AFTER HE CONFESSED HIS FEELINGS FOR MELISSA !!!! I've wanted to do this for so long but I just decided to add him saying how he felt about Mel And sorry I've haven't been updating in a while my cousins slept over for the weekend and things are crazy right now but thanks @Karamelwood4ever for making me post:)

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