Im fine

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Melissa's POV:
It's been 2 weeks since Blake did what he did. My face got back to normal but I'm never going to be normal. I've been living in the hospital for what feels like forever. I told my parents what happened and a couple of my closest friends I wanted to tell people I work with like Jeremy, Mehcad, Odette, Katie etc. but I don't want them to look at me differently. At least Chyler and Chris knows. Chris has been such a sweetheart he hasn't spend a day out of the hospital. Even when Chyler slept and the hospital he slept too. He always brought me chocolate and flowers every single day and I helped him on his 'I don't mind' website. I know and he knows that I'm not big help and that he had it under control but he knew that I needed a distraction and I did.

My day has been very routined which as been helpful I wake up to Chris bringing me new flowers and chocolate and asking if I'm okay and my response has always been I'm fine every single day. And then Chyler comes in with coffee and Donuts that's been our breakfast for the past 2 weeks and then she asks me if I'm ok and then I look at Chris and Chris says she's fine and then we eat donuts and talk. And then we have Lunch and then after lunch we watch a movie and then we have dinner and we talk more and then we go to bed.

It was the day I could go home. I'm going to be sleeping at Chyler's until I find a new apartment Chyler says that I could move in completely. But I needed to move on with my life I can't go backwards not after everything that's happened. I have to go back to set in a couple days because we're still in the middle of shooting but luckily we were about to go to winter hiatus.

Chris POV:
Melissa's sleeping at Chylers today. I haven't left her side for about 2 weeks now. I'm probably going to sleep at Chylers for the first couple days. I don't want to leave Melissa even if Chylers is there you don't know what Blake would do. We were about to head out the hospital. Everyone's wearing a hat and glasses especially Melissa. I went outside to see if they're any paparazzi and the cost was clear so we went outside and into the car.

We just arrived at Chylers and the first thing I do is lock all the doors and close the windows. I see Melissa still standing next to the door and she took a deep breath. Chyler was prepping the guest room for Melissa. " hey. Are you okay?"  I say. "I'm fine. Everything is going to be fine. *then she stops for a couple seconds* Right?". I look at her about to tear up there's tears in her bright Blue comet eyes and I walk up to her slowly and I tilted my head then I put on hand on her cheek and I say "I promise you I will NOT let anything happen to you. Not now. Not ever" I felt her relief as she relaxed and leaned her head to my arm. I stepped closer to her if that's possible until we shared the same air I can feel her breath on mine. I kissed her on the forehead and then we shared a long hug until Chyler interrupted us. " hey Mel it's time for you take take a shower". "Right" Mel said pulling away from me.

Melissa POV:
I felt so safe with Chris and when he kissed me on the forehead I started getting chills especially when he said that he will not let anything happen to me. And I believe that because that Chris he wouldn't let anything happen to me or anyone.
" here let me help you." Chyler said. She basically gave me a shower because I couldn't hold my hand up for so long. Chyler has been awesome about helping me and making me feel safe. I don't know what I'll do without her.

I just finished taking a shower and Chyler helped me get dressed and when we went outside to the living room I saw Chris with a Chipotle bag and ice cream and a movie. " I thought we should continue our tradition." He says with a smile on his face. "What
Movie did you bring. One of my favorites! Good choice" I say. " I know that's why I got it" Chris said as he looked at me smiled then continued to set the table.

Authors Note:
I'm making the next few chapters light because things are going to get CRAZY soon. The next chapter is going to be picked off where we left off with Chris setting the table.

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