Chapter four

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We set off the next morning to look for water and food. Turns out the blade Lucius got hit with tore both his black jacket and his green shirt. Lucius let me look at the wound this morning, and what I saw shocked me.

Lucius' back was slashed from shoulder to hip and the area was red and inflamed. I knew we had to set off this morning but I knew when I looked it was too late to ward off infection.

"How bad is it?" Lucius asked, worried.

"Umm....well..." I wasn't sure what to tell him.

"C'mon Joules, just tell me." He said.

"It's already infected. We couldn't have prevented it if we tried." I tenderly touched the area around the wound and he hissed in a breath. I was barely touching his back and it could see this hurt him terribly.

"Joules, please, run away. I don't want our parents or the police to find you." He said after a moment.

"What do you mean, Lucius?" Though I had a feeling I knew what he was saying.

"Please just go, Joules. I want you to leave me here. I'll slow you down if I travel with you." Lucius sounded like his heart was breaking, but he sounded like he was sure of his decision.

"No. No, Lucius, I'm not leaving you here, quite possibly to die."

"But I-"

"I said NO Lucius!!! You're my best friend, and the only one who understands what it feels like to have powers like these. Besides," I said, trying to joke, "you're always faster than me, anyway."

"Fine, I'll stay. I just didn't want you to get caught, and-" he stopped, puzzled, "what are you doing?"

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