Chapter twenty-one

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Lucius' POV


I saw the police outside, and I panicked. Both of us were deathly afraid of the police.

"Joules, Joules wake up!" I said, hating to wake her up but knowing we had no choice. She whimpered and pressed against me when she saw the police.

"Shh. It's ok, Joules. Just don't run. We'll be fine." I said, tring to reassure her. She stopped whimpering, but didn't move.

One officer came in and said to us, "You're under arrest for the murder of five people combined. Stand up and place your hands behind your back." We did as we were told, but one thing gave us the advantage.

First off, there were only three officers, and second, they put handcuffs on us.

The second reason sounds stupid, but handcuffs are made of metal, they are a conductor of electricity....I think you know where I'm going with this.

Joules and I sparked, the handcuffs glowing with blue electricity. The police were scared to come near us, but they figures they were safe since their clothes would block the electricity. Boy, were they ever wrong.

Joules and I killed three more people last night, and we uncuffed ourselves and ran.

Zoran's POV


Darn those two!!! MY electricity can't travel through clothes, but of course THEIRS can!!!! A slot opens in the wall, allowing a plate of mush to be pushed into my cell.

I smelt eggs when I walked into the barn that day, thinking they were normal people. Little did I know that they would be the people that ultimately sent me to jail.

Mostly, it's my fault, but I vow revenge.

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