Chapter 32

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Joules' POV


I woke up with Lucius beside me and we headed into town. We were bored and were a little more daring than usual, seeing as what Dani called our "Destiny Bond".

We walked to the center of town to find that the mayor was giving a speech. Lucius wanted to bolt, but I convinced him that we should stay and listen.

"Are you sure about this?" Lucius asked, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Yes. Now listen, he started to talk." I said, and craned to hear the rest of what the mayor was saying.

"....Now as I was saying, these two MUST be eradicated. They are dangerous to society. These two share a bond so strong that they could kill us all!!! Is that what you want? They will oppose us! They are traitors, and will destroy us if we don't destroy them first. What do you say?" The mayor concluded, and the crowd roared.

Lucius tugged my hand and we escaped unnoticed back into the forest. They wanted to kill us.

Lucius' POV


I tugged Joules' hand as we ran unnoticed into the forest. I knew it. I KNEW it. The mayor was starting a war just to be rid of us.

Is that really all we are? Obstacles so minuscule yet worth starting a war over?

Joules watched me with interest and concern. I knew there was only one solution to the situation, unless we wanted a quick death.

"We need followers, Joules, and fast."

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