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A/N: Recently, I had horrible nightmares about zombie apocalypses... My family was dying. we had no food, and zombies were everywhere. It was honestly very scary and creepy. I might've gotten more paranoid because of that. When I was in 3rd grade, my aunt bought me a Korean WHY? book about aliens. I was so scared of entering the bathrooms back then. I constantly checked the toilet for aliens that might eat my buttocks... I feel so stupid now... Ah, also, I'll give you guys a sample of a smexy scene I wrote. I was kind of embarrassed when I wrote it and it doesn't seem very good right now, but I'll improve somehow! >-<;

For the rest of the day, Li Bai was an exemplary mother-figure to the children.

He cooked delicious food, gently told them to clean up their toys and do homework. He smiled helplessly making the children determined to do whatever their savior wanted.

"Mom, what's for dinner?" Xu Ye asked as if it was perfectly normal to address the man that way. The younger children's eyes' sparkled as they wanted to try calling out mom as well.

"Um, I was thinking a Japanese style cuisine for the kids. Omurice, onigiri, and rice balls. How does that sound?" Li Bai hesitantly asked.

Xu Ye knew that his mother's cooking had improved a lot, so he didn't mind eating the stuff that Li Bai made now.

A little girl asked, "Mommy, what's an onigiri?"

Li Bai didn't faze over this term of endearment, and replied, "A very cute and yummy rice ball wrapped in dried seaweed. Would you like that for your dinner?"

Seeing that the director didn't mind being called "Mommy" the other kids were relieved and started looking up to the man who had unknowingly become a foster mother once again.

While Li Bai went to cook, the small children retold what happened today in very exaggerated versions. Xu Ye knew the plot already, so he acted as if he was very surprised but his anger over Jiang Lin's actions were not false. Jing Mu had no idea that the girl was like that, so of course, he was very surprised.

Li Bai called out from the kitchen that he was done and for everyone to go sit down at the dinner table.

Li Bai called out from the kitchen that he was done and for everyone to go sit down at the dinner table

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