Chapter 13 - New Year's Gathering... AGAIN. Pt2

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The music is thumping through my entire body, as if making my heart beat. The house's pumping, too. I'm holding an alcoholic beverage in my hand, though I'm not quite sure what it is, the EVERYTHING is shaking and there's a person filling up every two inches that I can't even see past Josh's face, who hasn't left my side since I picked up the beer can.

I don't even know why I don't normally drink alcohol...

I do that jumping thing that people do at dance parties, which is just practically jumping up and down along with everyone else because it's the only dance move that looks good. Josh dances with me, which I am super happy about because I was the only one doing it. Unlike the others, he's actually dancing. A few other people join in, now, and I whoop in excitement. Somehow, it seems like just Josh and I are dancing as the music changes from awesome base and dub step to slow, but still reasonably cool.

It's that part of the song, and it'll soon change back to awesome base and dub step. I sling my arms over Josh's shoulders, doing the cliche thing as he puts his hands on my waist. I roll my head back in laughter. This doesn't affect out friendship at all. I don't have a crush on him, who said I had a crush on him and am slightly enjoying this? Huh, no one, that's who!

Then, the base drops and I rip away from him, busting out into moves that I think is cool, but it probably looks terrible. Oh, well, at least Josh is dancing with me. He's moving so much that his dark purple button up shirt is moving over his stomach and I can see the 'v' underneath. Shit, quit looking! I look away casually. Has he noticed? I hope he hasn't noticed....

By the looks of it, no. Okay, good.

The song ends, and I flop down on the couch, a bit of beer splashing out of the can as I sit down so abruptly. "Not up for another dance?" Josh smirks at me, sitting down next to me.

"I don't often go to parties," I admit.

"Except when you're drunk," Josh jokes.

I lean over and plop my hand on his head, my fingers getting slightly lost in his shaggy, dark hair. "That's what I like about you," I say, my speech slurred.

"That doesn't even make any sense. You don't often go to parties except when you're drunk and that's what you like about me," he chuckles and I move my hand down his face and press a finger on his lips.

"Sssshhh. Let it happen," I mumble.

I take an over the top sip of my beer can and do a loud burp. Josh grabs a can of Pepsi and takes a swig, before burping louder than me. I raise an eyebrow and drink the last drop of beer, before reaching for another one. Josh puts his hand over mine to stop me. "Woah, woah. Don't you think you've have enough?" He asks, actual concern in his voice.

"Nah, bro! I wanna 'nother one! Hangover is future me's problem!" I slur.

He gives me a cheeky look and takes a swing of his Pepsi. "I bet you can't burp as loud as me," he says teasingly, before belching one to the heavens.

"Shall we find out?" I challenge, getting a lemonade instead and taking a large sip.

"We shall!" Josh declares, and I burp louder than he just did. "Someone's quite the tiger," he remarks.

"Tiger? Me! Pfffft. Bitch, I'm a lioness!" I declare to some people passing by, before bellowing another burp.

"Hey! No fair," Josh pretends to sulk and drinks more of his soft drink. "I wanna be a lion, too!"

He does the loudest burp I have ever heard and we both erupt in laughter because I'm drunk and I'm pretty sure he's got some alcohol in his system, too. We both sit on the purple couch, observing everything and watching the legs going back and forth past us.

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