Inside The Heart

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Boris's Pov:

Boris led Bendy to the wheel and stood by it."Where've ya been, Bendy?" Boris asked, turning to face his brother.Bendy looked upset. "After we got separated all those years ago, I searched for you. I searched and searched, hardly eating and sleeping. All to no avail... Then, one night, I was kidnapped. I've been traded, stolen,shipped, and used from one pirate ship to another. I'm surprised I've managed to keep my will this long." Boris was startled by Bendy's explanation."Ya mean you've been on all these pirate ships over these four years?" Boris asked. Bendy nodded, then looked sort of aggravated."How come you're talking like that? You almost sound just like a pirate." Bendy demanded. Boris shrugged. " Can't help it no more. I been here so long, It don't make much effect on me." Bendy seemed a little distant. "Bendy?" Boris asked, worry creeping into his voice. Bendy sighed and walked to the side of the ship. "You don't need me anymore,Boris... You're grown up now... You have the second-highest point of power and are respected. My joining this vile pirate crew won't make a difference for you. Neither would my dying..." Bendy said. Boris ran to his brother."Bendy! Don't ya ever think that! Yer my older brother, my big brother...It don't matter if I be twelve or if I be sixteen, I still need ya. I need you,Bendy..." Boris said. I actually sounded like I used to. Bendy turned around to face Boris. "You mean it?" He asked, sounding doubtful. Boris nodded and smiled. Bendy nodded. "So Boris... Are there any non-vile pirates on The Skeleton?" Bendy asked as Boris led him back to the deck. All round were pirates yelling at and shoving each other.Boris nodded. "There are a few. I'll introduce ya. But Bendy? Ye will have ta call me First Mate 'round these guys. They don't know me real name. They don't need ta." Bendy nodded as Boris led him through the crowd. Then,there was a wall of pirates. Boris waited for a moment to see if there was a break in the wall. Nope. Looks like these boys need a lecture. And with that thought, Boris launched himself onto the main mast. The, holding onto the mast, he climbed until his was high above the pirates. Then, he pulled out his gun and fired into the sky. Hearing the gunshot, the pirates looked up at thier First Mate. "Listen up, gentlemen! Ye all are gettin' careless with yer shovin', yellin', and blockin'. The blasted blockin' needs to stop! I can't get around in this mess! How's me long-lost brother 'posed to meet the non-vile pirates when the vile ones won't let 'em? Henry, Joseph, Mickey, and Shera! Meet me at the bottom of the mast! The rest of ye, clear the way then get back ta work!" Boris said as he fired the gun again, signaling the lecture was over. A bird fell from where Boris had fired. Oops. Boris slid back down the mast and found Henry, Joseph, Mickey, and Shera waiting for him. Bendy came running to Boris. "Where did you learn to do that?! That was amazing!" Bendy exclaimed. Boris smiled, then turned to the others."Bendy, this is Henry." Henry was a brown bear. He smiled kindly at Bendy and shook his hand. "This is Joseph." Joseph was an older wolf with a large tear in his ear. (Yes, this is the same Joseph from A Quest ofthe Heart. It's not their dad this time, though.) Joseph smirked slightly and shook bendy's hand. "This is Mickey." Mickey was a small mouse with a kind smile. They shook hands. "And this is.... Uh, where's Shera?" Suddenly, Shera appeared behind bendy and yelled. "Boo!"Bendy jumped and spun around to face her. Shera was an albino fox. She had dark green eyes and a lovely smile. "Name's Shera." She said, holding out her hand. Bendy shook it, shaking as well. "Everyone, this here be Bendy.He's me log-lost brother." the others gasped, then smiled at Bendy."So you're..." "I ain't surprised..." "You look just like I thought..." They all began talking to him at once. Boris stood apart, chuckling to himself. "So, Fist Mate? There gonna be any party fer the new recruit?" Henry asked, still smiling. "Well, of course there be a party! Why, the Captain would have ta have bees in his head not ta throw a party!" Boris said, causing the others to celebrate. "So, how old are ya?" Shera asked Bendy, looking excited. "I'm 22." Bendy said quietly."Why, he talks like ye did when ya first came aboard! I see where ya got the strange talk." Joseph said, shaking his head. "It's just how they talk where we come from." Boris said, shaking his head as well.    

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