Old Friends

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Cuphead's Pov:

Cuphead ran to the wheel, Bendy at his heels. The crew member who was at the wheel immediately jumped away from it when he saw Cuphead approaching. Cuphead moves the wheel to the ship. As they got closer, Cuphead noticed the ship looked familiar. Then, he saw the flag. The two dice with the crossbones... "Cuphead, are you okay? Who's ship is that?" Bendy asked, looking scared. Cuphead took a deep breath. "Captain Lucifer's." Soon, The Skeleton was nearly a hair's-length away from The Debtor. "Captain! We need orders!" First Mate called, snapping Cuphead out of his daze. "Oh, um... Fire!" Cuphead finally blurted out. All the cannons fired. Suddenly, The Skeleton was pounded with cannon fire. The Debtor wasn't even dented. Then, the crew from the opposing ship came swinging onto The Skeleton. "Attack!" Cuphead called out, unsheathing his sword and charging. One crew member after another fell from both sides. Lucifer's crew, however, seemed unaffected by the loss of members. Cuphead's crew was dwindling down. Then, they were captured. Cuphead looked around and saw both his First Mate and Bendy struggling against their captors. Then, Cuphead saw a familiar figure swing from The debtor. "Hello, Captain Cuphead." The deep voice cooed. "Hello, Captain Lucifer." Cuphead growled back. Lucifer stepped from the shadows of his hip and walked to Cuphead. The devil placed himself only inches apart from Cuphead. "Why, I haven't seen you since Mugman's... Unfortunate death." Lucifer said, grinning. "What are you doin' on me ship, you vile creature?" Cuphead hissed out. Lucifer smiled and walked to where Bendy was being held captive. "Why, this little one. He was promised to me by and old friend... Though his and his crew's deaths were unfortunate. You stole him from me. All I want is him. Then, I'll leave you be. I'm feeling gracious today." Cuphead felt anger boil inside him. "Ya can't have 'em! Take me treasure, weapons, whatever. But ya can't have Bendy." Lucifer seemed amused by this statement. "Bendy... That's a name befitting a demon. No, I want him... Perhaps I can offer someone back in return?" Lucifer suggested, waving his hand. Suddenly, there was an image of Mugman in front of Cuphead. The young man looked a lot like Cuphead, aside from the blue coloring and other differences. The image was smiling, just like Mugman used to. "I'll bring him back, Cuphead. I can do that, you of all people know this. All you have to do is say yes. I get what I want and you get what you want. Simple. What do you say?" Lucifer said in his usual, confident tone. Cuphead felt tears streaming down his face as he looked at the image of Mugman. My brother... With me again? "I-I... Y-" "NO!" his First Mate cried out. Cuphead looked over at the wolf. He was stuggling against his captors. Tears were streaming down his face as he looked at Cuphead. "Please don't, Captain! H-he's all I have! I just got him-" One of Boris's captors tied his mouth closed with a cloth. Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Very well, one living, breathing brother coming right-" "No." Cuphead responded. "What?" Lucifer demanded. Cuphead shook his head. "No." He repeated. "Me brother wouldn't want me throwin' someone else I care'bout fer 'em. So I ain't gonna." Lucifer was getting mad. "Now listen here, Cuphead. You make this choice and I'll never give you this opportunity again!" He hissed. Cuphead closed his eyes. "I ain't gonna do it. Now go. The sun's 'bout up." Cuphead said, opening his eyes. Lucifer glared at Cuphead, then called retreat. "I'll be back, Cuphead." Lucifer warned as he sailed The Debtor away. I know you'll understand, Mugman...

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