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Felix's Pov:

Felix was organizing his medicine when his door swung open, then slammed closed. Felix turned and saw Fist Mate plop angrily on the bed. "What's the matter First Mate?" Felix asked, making his way to the wolf. "The captain is brainwashin' me brother." First Mate growled out. "How so?" Felix asked, grabbing a chair and sitting across from Boris. The wolf sighed. "I caught 'em kissin' me brother. He said Bendy loved 'em too. Then, Bendy said it was true. Bendy could never love a pirate. He hates 'em." Felix felt bad for the young wolf. He doesn't want his brother to be hurt. "Well, I'm sure things'll-" "First Mate!" Shera burst through the door. ""What is it, Shera?" Boris asked, jumping up. "There be a ship. It attacked and the Captain needs ya at the wheel. Yer the only one who can get people ta do anythin' right." The First Mate nodded and ran out the door. Shera followed. Felix grabbed his gun and ran after the two. Oh my! Only a few meters away from The Skeleton was a very big ship. Everything was three times the size of The Skeleton.  "Listen here!" First Mate called out to the crew. "Ye all best be prepared ta battle. We won't stand a chance if we rely on cannon fire!" Just as he finished, members from the opposing ship began swinging onto the deck of The Skeleton. "Attack!" Captain Cuphead yelled as he unsheathed his sword. Everyone jumped into action. Felix ducked and shot at every enemy. Suddenly, the crew began to get captured. Felix quickly hid behind two barrels. He peeked around and watched as the captain made... Her? Way to Captain Cuphead. She was a cream-colored cat who was slightly taller than Felix. She wore dark red lipstick and had a sassy pose when she stopped in front of Captain Cuphead. "Your not seriously thinkin' I was gonna lose are ya? I've never lost yet." She certainly doesn't sound like a pirate. Her voice sounds... Familiar, though... Felix thought to himself. "Well, I'm known for one thing..." The female captain started. "I always kill the captain of the ship that challenges me." She grinned. "No!" Bendy screamed as he tried to get out of his captor's grip. The Captain chuckled. "This will be fun." She smiled and unsheathed her sword. I have to do something. I can't let her kill the Captain. Felix dashed to some barrels to the right of the female captain. He accidentally knocked over the barrels he had been hiding behind. "What was that?" The female captain asked, looking in the direction of the barrels. She gestured to the barrels. "You, go investigate." The guard that had been blocking Felix's path went to the barrels. Felix smiled to himself. Now's my chance. "Now, you will die a failure." The female captain said as she raised her sword. Felix jumped from the barrels. "Put the sword down or your head won't be there much longer." Felix threatened, holding his gun up with his finger on its trigger.

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