Long Time, No See

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No One's Pov:

"It be a pleasure meetin ya as well, Captain Silver Eye. This here's me First Mate." Cuphead said, pointing to Boris. The young wolf nodded at Silver Eye. "And this here be his brother, Bendy." Silver Eye's eyes widened and he quickly turned to where Cuphead gestured. "Bendy? Boris?" Silver Eye asked, looking back and forth between Bendy and Boris. Bendy glared, Boris smiled sheepishly. "Seems ya get ta see yer sons again... Even after all these years." He said kindly. Silver Eye smiled again. "My, ya boys have grown. How old are ye?" Bendy was reluctant to talk to their father. "I be sixteen, Bendy twenty-two." Boris answered quickly. "So, he really be yer father? Wow." Cuphead said, looking very surprised. Captain Silver Eye laughed. "I have an alliance with Captain Sheba, and she with ya. I figured, she wants ta help ya, I be obligated ta do so as well. Now, I be glad I came." Cuphead shook his head, then smiled. "Alright... How 'bout ye join us in a dinner?" Silver Eye nodded, then turned to his ship. "First Mate, ye can come down now!" He called to the ship. A small coyote grabbed one of the ropes and swung onto the ship. Unfortunately, he let go too soon and went flying past his captain. "AAAH!" The First Mate screamed as he hit the deck with a thump. Silver Eye sighed and ran to his First Mate. "First Mate, ye be okay?" The coyote slowly sat up and groaned. "Aye, Captain... I be well enough ta work." He answered, clutching his side in pain. Silver Eye nodded. "Then let's get a move on."

Silver Eye entered the dining room and found everyone already seated. He began to approach the table, then stopped. Usually, the First Mates, the Captains, and the 'Common Crew Members' were seated separately in meeting dinners. Boris was seated in between Shera and Sheba, Bendy was next to Cuphead, Oswald next to Felix, and there was a space on the other side of Cuphead and one on the other side of Felix. Silver Eye sighed. "First Mate, ye sit next ta Captain Cuphead. I'll sit next ta the Healer and First Mate Oswald." The First Mate did as he was told and took his seat carefully. Silver Eye sat and waited for the introduction speech. Cuphead stood up. "Ye Scumbags best treat Captain Sheba, First Mate Oswald, Captain Silver Eye, and First Mate....?" Cuphead looked at the small cyote that was Silver Eye's First Mate. The coyote looked to his Captain for reassurance. Silver Eye nodded. "Me name is Daniell..." He said very quietly. Cuphead nodded. "And First Mate Daniell with respect. If ye don't, ya will walk the plank. Alright, dig in!" Everyone immediately began grabbing for food. Silver Eye shook his head and began to take some of the food as well.

I know this chapter is short, but the dinner will continue in the next one.

I realized this while I was still writing: I put them in a pattern.

Okay, the toons mentioned in this chapter are categorized.

Captains: Cuphead, Sheba, Silver Eye

First Mates: Boris, Oswald, Daniell

Common Crew: Shera, Felix, Bendy

I put one Captain, one First Mate, and one Common in each area.

That was a complete accident.

Now there are 13 main characters (Again, counting Mugman 14.)

What do you guys think of Silver Eye?    

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