Being Here

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Bendy's Pov:

When nightfall came, Boris led Bendy into the dining area. There was music playing and pirates drinking beer, wine, and whatever else. At the far end of the dining table, sat Captain Cuphead. He motioned Bendy and his First Mate over to where he was. Boris sat in the chair to the Captain's right, Bendy sat across from Boris. Captain Cuphead stood up and banged his fork against a glass, getting everyone's attention. "Okay, Ye Scumbags! This here be the long-lost brother of me First Mate. He's now part of this here crew. I be certain he'll prove ta be quite worth the savin'. Now, this here party be fer him! Ye all best enjoy me act of kindness!" And with that, the Captain sat back down and the noise resumed. "So, Matey... How are ye likin' the life of a pirate?" the Captain asked, turning to Bendy. Bendy didn't like it. "It's okay I guess..." Bendy said. Captain Cuphead burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Bendy asked, confused. The Captain stopped laughing to catch his breath, but had a big smile plastered on his face. "Yer accent. It be quite troublesome ta ignore yer talk. Though I be sure yer gonna grow out of it and into a pirate one." Bendy felt himself blush. "I-I... Is it really that noticeable?" Bendy asked nervously. The Captain laughed again. "Sorry, but it be more than just noticeable for ye. How 'bout this? I help ye get accustomed ta our talk, and ye help me out?" Bendy was a bit unsure. "How can I help you?" The Captain smiled again. "Ye will know soon 'nough. So, we got a deal?" Bendy nodded. "That be great! Here, drink. It is yer party after all." The Captain said, handing Bendy a bottle of wine. Bendy shrugged as he popped the bottle open using the side of the table. "Whoa. Where did ye learn that? That there be some useful pirate skill." Captain said, pointing at the bottle. Bendy figured he might as well get used to it. "Cheers." Bendy said, lifting his bottle to the Captain's. He smiled and clinked with Bendy's bottle. It was very good wine. So good, Bendy soon forgot how may bottles he had. He and the Captain exchanged one story after another, enjoying each other's company. Bendy began to wonder if, maybe, he could be a pirate. "Aaalrrrright, ye Scallywags! Off ta bed with the lot of ya!" Captain Cuphead said drunkenly. The drunken pirates all filed out and made their way across the deck of The Skeleton. Boris stood up and walked semi-drunkenly to the Captain. "Hey, Bendy... Can ya help me get the Captain to his quarters?" Bendy nodded and stood up. Slowly, Bendy and Boris managed to get Captain into his room and onto his bed. "I got it frrrrom here, Fist Mate... Ya go get some sleep..." Bendy slurred. Boris laughed. "There ya go! Now yer talkin' like a pirate!" Boris exclaimed as he exited to his quarters. Bendy got everything cleaned up and began to leave. Suddenly, the Captain's hand grabbed his arm. "C-Captain?" The Captain pulled Bendy onto the bed. "Ye can call me Cuphead. Now ye gotta stay." Cuphead said, wrapping his arms around Bendy. Oh god, no! This is bad! Very, very bad! Bendy tried to squirm out of Cuphead's arms, failing miseribly. Finally, several minutes after the Captain had fallen sleep, Bendy felt sleepy. Soon, he fell asleep.

Cuphead's Pov:

Captain Cuphead woke up and attempted to sit up.Instead, he was held down. Cuphead looked and saw he was holding Bendy in hisarms. What in the name of Davy Jones' Locker?! WHY am I holdin' Bendy?! Then,the small demon began waking up. He opened his eyes and looked at Cuphead. Theywidened and he pulled away from him. "Oh, Captain! T-this isvery-Ow!" Bendy had pulled away so suddenly, he fell off the bed."Are ye okay? Ye needn't be so flustered. It was me own fault. I should'vepaid attention to me alcohol 'mount. Next time, I'll be more careful."Cuphead said as he helped Bendy back onto the bed. "Okay, Capt-" Bendystarted. " I did say ye could call me Cuphead, right?" Cuphead asked,eyeing the demon. Bendy nodded. "Do you think we could start on thosepirate-talking lessons today?" Bendy asked, looking shy. And... Cute.What?! No! Cuphead quickly nodded. "Of course. Ye need ta get yer talkright if yer gonna be a good pirate." 

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