Repair the Heart

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Bendy's Pov:

Bendy stood in front of Healer Felix's door. It had been three days before Bendy could speak without crying, three more before he could leave his quarters, and three more still before he could stand before this door. He put his hand on the knob, turning it slowly. Pushing it open, Bendy entered the room. He looked around the dark space, finding wreaked from the night of the storm. In the center of the room was Felix's gun. Bendy walked to it and picked it up. It felt natural in his hand, despite him being a swordsman. He looked around, remembering this was the place he woke up. Felix's smile, his kind words, his trust, his love... Felix loved and cared for everyone he knew. Bendy took a deep breath and walked back out of the room, closing the door behind him. He walked across the deck to his and Cuphead's shared quarters. Instead of finding privacy, he found a meeting taking place. Captain Cuphead, First Mate Boris, Captain Sheba, First Mate Oswald, Captain Silver Eye, and First Mate Danielle all turned and looked at Bendy when he came in. "Bendy...." Cuphead started, glancing at the other pirates around him. "We need ya ta tell us exactly what happened that night, Felix... Ya know..." He looked down nervously. Bendy swallowed hard. He had known this would come, but had hoped it would come a little later. "I-I.... Well, as ya know, Cup... I followed ya out into the storm... When the ship lurched ta the left, I went flyin'. I grabbed onto the mast, but when ya lost control of the ship, I went sliding towards the sea... I heard someone yell 'No!' and turned me head. Felix was runnin' to me, when he slipped and started fallin' to the sea... When we went over the edge, I gripped the edge of the ship and grabbed Felix's arm... We stayed that way for a minute or two, before he started slipping... Before he lost his grip, Felix told me... He told me... He told me, 'Bendy, I want ya ta have my gun... I hope it serves you well... And, I want you to know, I'm proud of ya... And, tell Sheba I love her... And, I'm sorry...'" Bendy felt the tears spill over as he finished his story. Sheba put her hand over her mouth and shook her head. Cuphead sighed and walked up to Bendy. "I'm sorry, Bendy... I'm so sorry ya had ta go through that..." He said quietly, wrapping his arms around the small demon. Bendy buried his face in Cuphead's chest and cried.

Sorry this chapter is so short, but the next few will be longer.

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