Leave it Alone

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Bendy's Pov:

Bendy looked over at the First Mate on the other side of Cuphead. Finally, he decided to try to get to know him. "Hey... Daniell, is it?" The small coyote jumped, hearing his name. He looked at Bendy and smiled nervously. "Y-yes, that be me name... What would ya like ta know?" Bendy smiled reassuringly at Daniell. "I was just wantin' ta talk ta ye. Ya seem like a very nice First Mate." Daniell chuckled. "Thank ye... I be a bit small ta be a First Mate." Bendy laughed at that. "And I be a bit small ta be a genral but here we are." Bendy said, smiling. "Ya seem tall enough ta me." Daniell said, smiling back. Bendy shook his head and smiled again. Heh, we both are pretty small and short. Bendy thought to himself. He and Daniell began to talk nonstop.

Boris's Pov:

Boris sat quietly while Captain Sheba and Shera talked about female stuff. This was a time where he wished he wasn't sandwiched between two people. Specifically two girls. Boris thought to himself as he tooned the two out. He had nothing against females. He truly believed they were capable of great things. He just didn't like having them on either side of him, only talking to each other. "Boris." Shera said suddenly, making the young wolf jump. "Yes, Shera?" He asked, feeling dread. She smiled mischievously. Boris glanced at Captain Sheba, who was trying to cover her smile. "Well, seeing as ta how ya obviously weren't listening... Who. Is. Yer. Crush?" Shera asked, her smile still plastered to her face. Boris turned completely red. "W-why do ye want ta know that?" He asked, wishing he could shrink. Shera giggled. "Well, yer here... And ya ain't said a thing since we got here... Ya owe me that much, Boris." She explained, drawing circles on the table, fairly close to Boris. The wolf became more red. "I, um... Ye... I... Eh.... Er..." Boris stuttered, trying to talk. Shera laughed, seeming very amused with how Boris was acting. "Aw, come on. Ya can tell me." She said, getting dangerously close to Boris. The young wolf tried to move away from her, but Captain Sheba pushed him back. Boris caught a whiff of something from Shera's breath as she moved closer. Wine... She's drunk! Boris realized with horror. "S-Shera... Y-yer drunk... Ya wouldn't be d-doin' this, were ya s-sober." Boris insisted as Shera began to climb on him. She smiled again as she pressed her legs on his waist. "I know... I got drunk on purpose." She said as she leaned close to the wolf. Boris knew he couldn't get away without hurting her physically. I am not gonna hit a woman! Boris insisted to himself. Shera pinned his arms to the chair. "S-Shera... Yer g-gonna regret d-doin' this..." Boris insisted as she leaned closer to his face. Soon their faces were only an inch apart. "Ya make me feel like I never have before, Boris. When ya was holdin' me earlier... I felt somethin'... Somethin' amazin'... I'm not gonna let that go..." She whispered to Boris. Then, she pressed her lips to his. Davy Jones! Boris yelled in his head as she continued to kiss him. He had decided, instead of sitting where the Captain was, he would sit next to Shera. She had ushered him over and he came. Then, Captain Sheba came over. Everything went downhill from there. Now, here he was, surrounded by pirates that were too drunk to care that he was being held down by drunk female fox. Shera pulled away, giving Boris air. "S-Shera! Ye need ta come ta yer-" She shoved her lips against his, cutting him off. Boris realized his only hope was waiting for Shera to pass out. So, he waited.

What do you think?

I gave the Bendy and Daneill part for a little humor before Boris's


Poor Boris....

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