Beyond Hope

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Felix's Pov:

Felix's eyes shot open, immediately feeling the firey pain of hitting the wall. "Ow... What the? What's going on? How did I get- AAHH!!!" Felix screamed out as he was flung to the other side of his quarters. This time, he hit his bed. A huge crash of thunder shook all the objects in Felix's quarters, him included. He sprang off the bed and flung the door open, stifling a scream. An enormous storm of pouring rain, racing winds, and seawater rocked The Skeleton to dangerous angles. Felix ran out into the storm to search for injured or anyone who needed help. He looked at the chaos around him, seeing his familiar friends in terrifying situations. Captain Cuphead grasped the wheel as he desperately tried to steady the ship, only managing to keep it from tipping over on one side. Boris screamed over the storm, ordering pirates to move from their hiding spots to help keep the ship from sinking; all the while, gripping a rope to keep from being flung around. Mickey tried to get up to the First Mate's command, only to slip and slide back into his spot. Shera and Henry managed to find footing, following Boris's commands. No one else saw the real problem. No one else saw what was about to happen to an innocent, young man. Bendy had been gripping the mast, but slipped just as Felix caught sight of him. And, just as The Skeleton stooped steeply and dangerously to the right, taking Bendy with it. "No!" Felix screamed out, making a run for the small demon. He slipped and began careening in the same direction he tried to save Bendy from falling. Felix watched in horror as he sped faster and faster towards the rushing water, remembering the feeling of being thrown into the ocean. Water filling his lungs, desperately grasping for breath. Knowing Death would come soon... Felix shut his eyes as he flew over the side of the ship, doing a back flip in mid-air. Suddenly, something caught his arm, gripping it tightly. Felix opened his eyes and looked up to find Bendy, holding tightly to the side of The Skeleton with one hand and Felix's arm with the other. Bendy looked down at him, tears brimming his eyes and a small smile on his face. Felix gave a small smile back. Cuphead had managed to steady the ship for the moment. Felix's relief was short-lived, however. He felt his arm and hand beginning to slip from Bendy, causing him to get dangerously closer to the ocean. "FELIX! Please, ya have ta hold on!" Bendy pleaded, the tears spilling over as Felix continued to slip. Soon, the were holding on to each other's hands. "I-I'm sorry, Bendy! I can't hold on! There's too much rain!" Felix said, feeling the realization kick in. Bendy shook his head and continued to plead, only to be drowned out by a loud crash of thunder. Felix knew he only had few seconds left. "Bendy... I-I want you to have my gun... I hope it serves you well... And, I want you to know, I proud of you... And, tell Sheba I love her... And, I'm sorry..." Felix's hand slipped from Bendy's grasp, sending the small cat falling down into the sea. He looked up and saw Bendy had been pulled up and was being held back as he desperately tried to call out to him. Suddenly, the ocean water blurred his vision, and made it begin to fade as he sank. Everything I went through... It was all to save Bendy, to keep him from suffering this fate... I'm glad I did some good... Felix felt the air from his lungs being pulled from his lips, making his vision even more blurred and faded. Strange.... I know I'm dying, but I'm not afraid.... Is this what death feels like when you've acomplished what you were meant to do? I feel it is.... I hope.... I hope.... I hope they defeat Lucifer.... He will pay for all he's done.... Bendy..... Will...... Make....Sure..... Of.... That...... The world faded out around him, leaving him breathless.

Okay, I'm back! Yeah, I'm not dead.... I'm sure you're all disappointed.

Aaaaannnyway! I've been having Writer's Block, which is why I haven't had very many updates lately... ^^'

But, here it is!

Yes, it is a VERY sad chapter. Believe me, I know; I seriously cried while I typed. Wouldn't be the first time(e.g. "Quest of the Heart")

But, is good for a good two or more weeks of not writing on this! ^^

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