Secrets To Keep

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Bendy's Pov:

Bendy pulled out his two swords and took his stance. Shera did the same her sword. This be first time I've practice-fought a girl. Bendy thought to himself as their swords hit. "You're quite an impressive swordsman." Shera said, spinning away, only to attack again. " Um, Shera? If ye be a pirate, what happened to yer accent?" Bendy asked, feeling confused. Shera's eyes widened. "I-er... Ya merely misheard me, Bendy." She said, trying to cover the mistake. Bendy jumped away from Shera and sheathed his swords. "What?" Shera asked, standing where Bendy had been. Bendy felt a little betrayed. "Yer hidin' somethin', Shera. I'd like ta know what it is." He said, crossing his arms. Shera looked around nervously. "T-there's nothin' I-I'm hidin'...." She said nervously. Bendy glared at her and she shrank back. "O-okay.... I'll tell ya... But ya must swear never ta tell anyone!" She demanded, looking Bendy in the eyes. "I swear." Bendy said, returning the gaze. Shera nodded. "Follow me." Bendy did as he was told and followed the young fox. Soon, they came to her door. "Go on." She told him, opening the door. After they were inside, Shera closed and locked the door. Slowly, she walked to her bed and sat on it. "Well?" Bendy persisted. Shera sighed. "You might want to get a chair... This will take a while..." She said, pointing to a chair across from the bed. Bendy brought the chair over to where Shera was and sat. She took a deep breath and began to speak. "I wasn't always a pirate... I've been many things... A mechanic, sculptor, scholar, seamstress, architect... Ect., ect.... But first, I was a girl... Just a normal albino fox... Okay, I know that's not really normal... But, for me, it was. I grew up in a small village in Africa. I was the odd one out. My mother and father were red foxes... So were my brothers and sisters. I was made fun of a lot because of it... Not only that, but I was a coward. Years passed this way... One day, when I was nineteen, some of the teens were making a bet. I went over to see what they were daring each other to do... They were daring one another to go to the Witch's Cave... There was this old hag who lived in a cave and everyone was convinced she was a witch. Everyone but me... I told them I wasn't afraid to go up there and pay her a visit. They said I'd have to bring something back from the cave as proof... They said they'd give me a lot of things, I don't remember all the things they listed... So, I went up to her cave. The Witch was outside her cave and smiled when she saw me. She invited me inside and made me tea. We talked for a long time and I felt bad about what I was gonna have to do... So, I told her about the bet. She just smiled and told me to pick anything I wanted to take back to my 'friends'... I got up and looked around her house until I found something I thought was perfect... Boy, was I wrong... It was this purple necklace with a black gemstone... I put it on, thanked the Witch and left to show the others. I got to them and they were all impressed and surprised. They gave me the things, as promised, and never teased me again... After a week, I thought I should bring my earnings to the Witch and give her something. I got to the cave and found her outside the cave. Again, she smiled when she saw me. Then, her eyes suddenly widened. I asked her what was wrong and she told me to hurry inside. I did and she sat me down... The Witch knelt in front of me and asked me if I knew what the necklace I was wearing did.... I told her I didn't... She said it as gently as she could... She told me it gave the wearer permanent immortality... I didn't believe her at first... Then, she had to prove it... She shot me in the head.... I was fine... I believed her then... She told me she was so sorry and that she should've checked what I had taken... I was just shocked... After a few hours, I went back home... That night, awful people came and killed everyone in the village... Including me... It was easy to play dead... After they were gone, I ran to the Witch... I told her what happened and she apologized even more... She told me I could stay with her until I had a plan... I did... That was three hundred years ago....." Shera finished, looking at the floor. Bendy gaped at her. "Y-ya mean... Y-yer immortal?" He asked in disbelief." Shera nodded, then unsheathed her sword. She place it to her throat and slit it. She slumped for a moment, then sat back up, blood running down her neck. "You see? I can't die... No matter what..." She said quietly, tears forming in her eyes. Bendy gently put his hand on hers. "I promise I won't tell anyone." He said, looking at her. Shera smiled. "Thank you."

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