Part 2: Dancing and Garden Hazards Part 1

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Amnicity forgot how glorious food could be. The roasted vegetables and fowl did not vary far from usual meals, but she needed the sustenance as nerves and thoughts of how her gown would fit curbed her appetite earlier.

"Be sure to eat some rolls." Valander passed the plate to her.

"Not too much." Christaline paused her daughter's hand.

"The wine is strong. Nici will need something to balance it," Valander whispered.

Christaline's sighed, waving her hand in agreement.

"How many rolls should be taken?" Amnicity asked, eyeing the basket warily.

"Two," Valander responded.

His daughter's worried expression transitioned to slight determination as she took the two rolls.

Amnicity sighed, placing them daintily on her plate. Her eyebrows furrowed as she picked up her glass for a sip of wine. These actions seemed too controlled and unnatural for her liking.

I am sitting at a table waiting for suitors to approach me and present gifts. And, I am fretting over rolls? Is this what it means to be a society lady? Or, could the fantasies of my novels be real? What if the man from the garden gave me an extravagant gift? Mother and Father could not say no to his proposal for my hand. Then, he would be of a decent birth so that all of our concerns could be ended in one night.

Amnicity happily tore a piece of her roll away, thinking about the lace on her wedding dress.

"Let the presentation begin," King Valander announced.

His daughter's shocked eyes flittered from him to the doors as the music ceased and the large wooden doors opened.

In the past, the gift presented served as a sign of the suitor's clout and could determine the heir's betrothal. Amnicity always thought forced matrimony based on prescribed choices was the start of the greatest love stories. Unfortunately, the practice now served as an unromantic tradition from when only Vetusian men were eligible for her hand. Unfortunately, her parents would choose her husband based on more than just a gift. There would be no fantasy.

"High General Fenallia presents his region's finest wines to begin the Princess's collection." The announcer's voice boomed, slamming his staff twice on the ground.

Five unnamed men rolled the barrels of wine from the region of Henta into the room. One barrel's price usually equated to a pearl bracelet, but Amnicity would not part from a pearl bracelet for wine. It seemed unladylike to do so.

It is an acceptable gift. Not one for me, but perhaps my husband would want it. So, it is satisfactory, I suppose.

The moments of silence extended until Amnicity realized the hall waited for her words.

Amnicity started slightly before lifting her glass of wine with a smile. "Thank you, High General Fenallia, for the Hentian wine. May all of our cups overflow with joy."

High General Fenellia's enjoyment of the moment ended when someone brashly pulled him down to his chair. The hall broke into polite applause as a gentleman in the rear of the hall uncoordinatedly stood, bowing towards Amnicity as the barrels of wine were rolled away again. All applause stopped when the sound of wood scratching against marble echoed, allowing murmurs to circulate the hall.

Valander motioned for his glass of wine to be filled. "This will be a long evening."

"Pace yourself, darling. Remember, there is still dancing to come." Christaline whispered through the announcement of furs being bestowed by the High General Breelon from the region of Wrestan.

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