Part 22: Before Dusk

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"We could let the rivers flow. Lead us to where we shall go. Destiny or down the road. We could let the rivers flow. Let the two become the one, and see what color the water will become on this journey down we go, just letting the rivers flow. To the ocean or to the pond, we cannot see beyond the curve and bend we are on. Just letting it go as we go. We let the rivers flow."

Amnicity's voice cracked with laughter while playing the last note.

She should not be laughing. These were moments of true angst that should result in melancholy poetry, but she had grown tired of being sad. Depression had become boring.

Thus, she moved on, and decided to let the new persons inhabiting the palace do the complaining for her. One of the wonders of being the Princess, there are always persons able to take on tasks on her behalf. Especially when much of the palace was busying preparing for her wedding tomorrow.

A few months ago, this evening would have seemed magical. Her mother would come to find her, before leading her away for the evening of isolation. They would have gone to her room, and-it was far better to think of High General James Lessure aggravated. These thoughts had a way of making her sad again.

High General James Lessure, the man who had always looked handsome in his cape, but now seemed dull in every other aspect of his person. Perhaps Konrik Loren would have been the best match. He would not harm a dragonfly, let alone decapitate his own father. Due his adverse look upon harming his surrounding, there would be no worry regarding Konrik Loren being involved in a coo that resulted in her mother's death. His giving nature did cause him to have moments of patronization. Unfortunately, some compromise she had to be made for all of her suitors: patronizing, killer, possibly psychotic. The list could really be extended further, but she did not have the time or mental energy.

"I have spent too many hours with Lady Elry," Amnicity sighed, starting when the door behind her creaked open.

"Pardon me Princess Amnicity," High General Lessure bowed. "I was not aware you were here."

"It is fine High General Lessure," Amnicity smiled. "Not many persons are, as this is my own personal place for reflection. So-"

"Yes," High General Lessure nodded, moving further into the room. "I am sure you need plenty of time for isolated reflection when in a position of forced alliance to usurpers."

"We have joined in a union of two great countries to better serve the needs of our people," Amnicity smiled, rising from her seated position to be on a better level to face him.

"A quaint political speech," High General Lessure snorted, walking towards Queen Christaline's paintings.

Amnicity was unsure regarding the look upon his face as he stared at her mother. There seemed to be a small smirk on his face.

"It is a truth that makes me proud. For, it is the smartest match I could have possibly made," Amnicity smirked, moving at pace with him so he did not touch the frame of a painting.

High General Lessure paused, watching Amnicity place herself between him and the paintings. Her hands folded gently before her as she tilted her head slightly to the side.

"Is there anything else that you wished to say to us High General Lessure?" Amnicity asked.

High General Lessure started slightly, making Amnicity take a step backwards, bumping into a painting.

"James," he responded.


"We agreed you would call me James. Has it truly been that long?" James questioned, reaching for her arm.

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