Part 13: High General Meeting (Part I)

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Amnicity stared at the wall. The curtains had not been drawn for two days. She had no place to go since being banned from her garden. Apparently, a princess should not try to forcefully remove roses and other flowers from their beds. The pain did not really sink in until a couple of hours later. When she finally looked down, all she saw was a large wine stain smeared with dirt and blood.

Amnicity glanced down at her bandaged hands and blinked back tears. What am I to do now? Lady Toria felt so bad for me she did not even lecture me about the gown. She just removed it with Lady Elry and let me be in this bed. What if I leave and do something reckless again?

The thoughts brought on a new phase of tears as she turned into her pillow before staring at the wall.

What if I destroy your memory because II cannot do this. I cannot become Queen. I am not youthey loved you. They would cut flowers and wait as you painted and

The walls were painted.

Amnicity turned to look at the ceiling. I am just a shadow of you. That is why Father has not even sent for me yet. He just hides away, afraid of what will become of us when I am married and take the throne from his shepherding. What if they decide we are not worthy and kill us before then?

The last thought made Amnicity's heart clench. She pushed it away. Amnicity did not want to consider politics or marriage at the moment. Her father had not been seen since the news of her mother's death arrived almost three days ago.

Perhaps she could leave. Look at black fabric and discuss how a royal funeral should occur—all the things she never wished to consider.

I would just need gloves to cover the remaining scratches.

Maybe if she moved, there would be a chance her mother would arrive before the funeral took place. The people of Tillen had not delivered her body as of yet. It could simply be a misunderstanding. Such things happened all the time in romantic literature.

Amnicity could hear her mother's laughter echoing through the hall at the joke. The corners of Amnicity's cheek brush her pillow as she smiled. Queen Christaline would provide a lecture for the flowers, demanding that her actual funeral be a rainbow of vibrancy. All the eccentrics Amnicity adored about her mother but stated with humility.

Amnicity wished she had not pressed her eyelids closed; maybe then the tears would not be felt running towards her ears. In a rushed motion, Amnicity threw covers over her face in hopes it would cure one of her ailments.

I cannot do this.

You are strong. They did what they could to protect us.

A laugh strangled its way from her throat at the thought that did not seem her own. This would be the moment history discussed how Princess Amnicity had become touched in the head.

Korak Fallyn would be pleased. Well—she would just be sad that she did not cause it.

The sound of the doorknob and wood door moving paused Amnicity's thoughts.

"Princess Amnicity," Marie's voice called.

"Leave me."

"We wish we could, Princess," Lady Elry's voice stated.

"I am in a state of mourning. Leave me."

"There is a matter of state you must attend to," Lady Elry continued.

Amnicity let an exacerbated sound out underneath the covers before speaking. "Leave the love note on my desk."

"Tillen has refused to release your mother's body to the guards sent by High General Lessure," Lady Elry stated, leaving the room in silence apart from Amnicity's abrupt movement to sit up and remove the covers from her face.

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