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Full name: Yukiko Oy

Nickname: Yu

Age before timeskip: 3 yo

Age after timeskip: 12 yo

Age at the end of the story: 16 yo (maybe)

Appearance: White hair, blueish greenish eyes, pale skin, about the same height as Gon

Likes: Music, Singing, Sleep, Fighting, Nen, Swords, Scythes, and Vines

Dislike: Greed Island, Sheets, Frilly Dresses, and Her Family

Nen Type: Unknown

Birthday: January 15

Zodiac: Capricorn

Things you should know: Always carrying headphones on her person, will quote vines 24/7 if she gets embarrassed or mad and gets annoyed very easily.

She's the same age as Gon and Killua but will be a little older since her birthday is before theirs and plus like the Hunter exam starts on the 7th of January so I even don't know what age my oc is anymore cause I don't know what day they get there or if I should make her 11 and then when she's traveling to the Hunter exam her birthday happens but then it makes her younger than them so what the fuck am I supposed to do? Also when the fuck where they born like i don't think I should make birthday's in the 2000s but also since the show started in 2011 which is the one i'm going off of shouldn't there birthday's probably be I think 1998 either way I'm confused and i might as well go by my standards and make Yu have a birthday but during the exam but make her 13 while they're still 12 and then age them up when their birthday comes 

EDITED Aug. 24th 2020

EDIT: Oh my god i've been thinking about that ever since I started editing this that's kinda why I didn't upload sooner cause I pretty much confused myself but I'm pretty sure some know but Yu is based off of me kind of well birthday, dislikes and likes wise.

{Editing} What The Realist Dream!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang