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I just had to go through horrible and cringy bear puns and just awfulness

Anyway as you can see I couldn't upload on Thanksgiving because my sister couldn't come and I also had a food coma that consisted of Mac and cheese (Jesus Christ was that good)

If any of you didn't know I'm going to Disney World in Florida.
So I will be uploading on my vacation and Christmas. My school doesn't get out early but I think I'm going to start on the 16th because my flight is the same day we get out which is the 20th so I'm going to get there early so we can get some stuff we need in Virginia.

My flight is on the 20th so imma be on schedule.

Now the reason why I couldn't upload on Thanksgiving is because my step-dad's mom is dying and he needed the car (we only have one car) so just to not put stress on him my mom was like you dont have to pick up my sister and at least everybody understood what was happening, but my step-grandma(?) Is doing better but at this point she could be going any day now.

But Christmas is not canceled I promise you guys about that. I'm putting it on my calendar and setting multiple alarms.

I'm not really sure about the day I go to my grandma's but I will keep you updated on that it should be around the 16 or 18 there's a little tweaking that we need to do with the dates but other than that I'm scheduled for december.
I dont know how long I'm staying but if I stay for the beginning of January I'll definitely upload too.

Thank everybody that is still staying with me. I say this every time but I am very grateful for each and every one of you.

December 16th is getting very close tho ;)

To be honest I'm excited because I love letting my imagination run wild and kill people in my stories plus I daydream a lot and it just helps me write down my ideas
Not to brag but I have a anime that I imagine all the time and I'm already on season 4

Anyway love you guys have a wonderful day or night who knows.
You're beautiful and I'm coffee I'll see you in the next one.


You wonderful child if you want to become an editor for me please go and email me at: sleepingkngihts789@gmail.com
If you have trouble seeing that then please go look on my account.

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