⭐Let The First Phase Begin! (Edited)⭐

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Ok, so I don't feel like writing out the whole plot of how Yukiko met Pika and Oreo cause Wattpad likes to delete my stuff. So they met and now they're at the exam site now.

"Finally we're here!" I say looking around. As we walk around a little green blob hands us our numbers me being the last one I'm number 406. 'I wonder where Killua is and I hope he likes me.' There he is in all of his Fat glory Tonpa the rookie crusher' 'Why am I making him sound like the final boss' He starts to come over to us talking, to be honest, I wasn't paying attention until he put soda in my face. 'I know it's laxative I'm not stupid plus you can smell it' I think. 'But I'm immune so it doesn't matter plus I haven't been eating anything for a while So what am I pooping out......air?' I drink the whole thing and Tonpa has that grin that says everything as I was about to say something Gon spits out and saying it was expired.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIMESKIP CAUSE I NEED COFFEE AND ENERGY DRINKS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We hear a loud screeching in the room and we look to the front and we see a man telling and congratulating us on making it here. 'Yeah I'm done for today I seen this in the anime but this man really has no mouth and WHERE IS HIS NOSE HOW IS BREATHING oh my god let me pay attention.' As he is telling us that the Hunter Exam has started and start speeding at least 4 meters in front of us, I jump out a press the buttons on my shoes and wheels pop out of them as I skating behind Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio I put my headphones on and listen to music. 'Music really is my life it's like my heartbeat.' 'I sound like a hippie' I hear Leorio yelling so I take them and see him in all his beautiful assassin glory he was talking to Leorio in a bored tone and then pointed at me. "Then why is she allowed to skate?" "YUKIKO WHY ARE YOU BETRAYING THE HUNTER EXAM RULES" I sweatdrop "It's not like they said I couldn't do it." I say. Killua rolls over to me. "What's your name?" "Yukiko and that's Gon."I say calmly He then stops skating and starts talking to Gon. 'N-NANI HE TALKED TO ME FIRST' 'I WAS SO NOT CALM WHEN HE TALKED TO ME I ALMOST HAD A HEARTATTACK.' I go up and join in their conversation and Killua almost seems happy when I do as Gon talks about why he wants to become a Hunter we start running up the steps, of course, I have to take my skates so I jump up a few steps so I can press the button. After a while of running Killua wants to do a race, of course, I all for it cause I get dinner out of it I mean it's not like I'm gonna win anyway.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIMESKIP 4 MINTUES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'I'm freaking starving!!' 'I haven't eaten in days! F**k it I'm going to win this race' I wait for the right time to sprint off I know we nearing the end cause I see Leorio with his shirt 'I can sprint when he tells them his age' I wait for the right moment then bam I speeding ahead of everyone dodging body that have been on the steps. I turn around to Killua staring at me like him f**ked up as he and Gon start speeding to me I reach the top before the examiner does and guess who was like one step behind me Gon and Killua I honestly didnt know what go into me until I realized one thing 'THEY CAN'T BUY ME FOOD RIGHT NOW'. Gon and Killua start arguing about who was first until I heard Him say we can buy food for each other 'H*'ll no I'm not standing for this I didnt sign up for this' I ask the examiner who was first of course he says it was a tie and then Gon proceeds to tell me who I'm paying for............I got to pay for the chocoholic. 'There goes my savings' I cry mentally in my head

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