⭐Yukiko's Diary EntryPart 1 (Edited)⭐

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Well hello diary it's Yukiko I guess living in a family of assassins aren't bad if they're not trying to kill you when you sleep, I swear my mom and older brother have it out for me like what did I ever do to them.

They've been tryna kill me for a long time now I have to sleep with my dad. I mean don't get me wrong I love him with all my heart but that man sleeps screams. One time I was sleep and then he yelled out ' THE BANDITS ARE COMING' and ' WE MUST SAVE MY FAMILY ' I mean I rather get killed than get my sleep interrupted by a person who screams.

The training is normal if normal is getting your food poison on purpose and your brother trying to kill you because your mother told him not to hold back on you. The only training I like is that I get to stay up for days, They're so surprised I didn't sleep for 5 days I mean I had anime to keep me going. Isn't weird that they have anime inside anime? Like where's the logic in that they probably see themselves as normal people but when I see them I see sparkles come out of nowhere, ink marks, and sweatdropping.

I mean don't get me wrong I love anime but living inside one is hard. You can't say 'real-life' jokes in here, can't call them 'gay' cause I don't think they understand the joke, and then you can't talk about the anime you're in I almost messed up when I said I wanted to watch Hunter x Hunter and my dad was around the corner listening to me and when he searched it up nothing came up so you know I got questioned.

And then you have to pretend that you don't know your favorite anime character, man if I ever see Killua or Gon I'm going to die in the inside cause I have no social life so I don't know how to start off a conversation normally without seeming desperate. I also had no friends in my world so you know my social life is so messed up. I'm just gonna stand there wanting to talk to them staring at them.

I'm kinda scared for the future because I don't know if the show starts over but with me in it, if not then I messing with the whole show over that one thing I decided to do. I wonder if I will be able to learn how to use Nen like it's so cool! When you're watching the show you have so many ideas and everything and then when you go to that anime you like I don't know what do now. I mean I want to escape this place asap I tired of my mother taking me and beating me up I hate everybody in there but my dad. I don't want to leave him here because I'm gonna miss him but I know that I'll have to leave soon or I'm just going to waste my second chance in life training and training.

I'll escape when I'm 12 I know it's cliche but maybe if I was born at the right time I might be able to see Gon and Killua. But for now, I'll build up everything my smarts, strength, endurance, I'll learn how to fight more so I can be on a level with a Pro-Assassin or even better than that right now I'm 4 so I have 8 more years to get it together and get stronger.

'Let's get Started.'

(Rewrote 6/16/19)

(626 Words)

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