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Ok so I got good news and bad news

You guys want the good news first well too bad, I'm starting with the bad news

Soooooooo since I dont have a computer doing fanfic will be hard and my teachers are sooo rude and won't let me do my stuff all I just asked her was like hey Miss whatever your name is may I like do stuff for my story or like you know something I do for fun after I finish my work and Miss whatever her name was like I don't like you go sit down before I call your mother honestly I just asked a simple question I wanted a simple answer.

Anywho I am going on vacation in December for Christmas break and my College sister that doesn't want to come back and you know spend time with me is coming with us so you know what that means I get to take her laptop and write fanfiction all night and morning drinking energy drinks that will be fun

so what that means for you my children is that I will be on hiatus for a while only for a little while not like forever like I did one day
anyway I'll be on hiatus but I will return don't worry my sweet cheeks I will return soon enough thank you for everyone who is continuing and voting and commenting on the story you guys are the best and I really really really really really really really love you guys thanks for just thank you, you guys are the best like y'all just wait for me. I just like keep continuing to let everybody down like I always do

anyway I love you guys and I will see you in December I don't have an exact date but when I do I will post it on my board and I will put it in my bio so everybody knows

Thank you guys so much and I'll see you in the next one

Thank you guys so much and I'll see you in the next oneBye!

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