⭐Let's Get Started! (Edited)⭐

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Bold- Author

Slanted - Thoughts

Regular- Regular (people taking)

I guess I'm going to bed early for school for that exam, Did I even study for that exam oh well I'm gonna fail anywa- Oh I forgot to introduce myself I'm Yukiko Oy your neighborhood friendy otaku that's what I'm known for and the first girl here to love anime. My appearance is Blue hair with purple eyes and I am a 16-year-old in high school student.

My anime helps me from things like sleeping in or hanging out with people so pretty much anime is my savior and I'm glad my that some random freak showed me my true colors

My favorite animes are Sword Art Online, Kill la Kill, Attack On Titan, Lucky Stars, Ouran High School Host Club, etc. But my most favorite is Hunter X Hunter man I wish I could go to the world of Hunters man that would be so fun to be with the guys and even Killua oh I can just image his abs- oh and I have nen that would be awesome oh it's bedtime better got to sleep.



It was about midnight everyone asleep in their bed, not a sound not even a mouse (ok I'll stop) But a girl having a nightmare. Yes, 16-year-old Yukiko was having a nightmare she was strapped in a metal chair getting electrocuted yelling and crying it seemed she was 3-year-old body again she was trying so hard to wake up until her sight was white light and she was out of the chair so she started to look around.

Yukiko POV

"Hey! Anyone there!"

No response


And then I was transported to this room that I know nothing of.


"Uh my head" I walk into the bathroom located in the unknown room I have yet to notice making my way to the bathroom (See what I did there) only to run into the closet door with lots and I mean Lots of frilly dresses I just close the door slowly and look around and find out I'm not in the room when I finally find the bathroom I look and see I'm a 3-year-old and that I have silver hair and blue eyes WAIT where am I!!

And that's how I ended up here I say as I talk to this stuffed animal.



(Edited 6/14/2019)

(409 words)

{Editing} What The Realist Dream!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora