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I'm so so so happy to announce that in coming back on the 16th!

So what we are doing is first we're picking up my sister on the 14th and my last day is the 13th so when we pick up my sister she gets to stay 2 days at home before we leave on the 16th to go to Viriniga where we will be leaving for a flight on 20th and basically I'm stay there until the 7th of January.

So I have a lot of work to do at school cause I'm pretty much the only one who is getting out early so I'm prepared to be stressed.

But I'm exicted I may have a schedule but I'm not sure yet I'll have to see but if I do I'll tell you guys.

Thank you soooooooooo much you guys I love you and I'll see you on the 16th


If you yes you want to be my editor and boss me around then please go emaiI thie email down below


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