Chapter 11: Traffic Light

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The weather was shit today.

I was in the worst mood, the type of moods you couldn't possibly fix. To top it all off, the advisors decided this would be the best day to go canoeing. It was annoyingly hot, sticky, and there was a hormonal teenage boy next to me that was making it worse.

"As intriguing as that sounds... I'll pass." I proceeded to fasten my life jacket in whatever hopes I had left of not drowning.

"C'mon cheeser, just come canoe with us. You can't possibly rather go canoeing with your cabin mates, no offense but the blonde seems to be missing a few brain cells." Mickey said stupidly knocking on his forehead.

"So you guys have something in common!"

He huffed at my remark and hit me gently with his paddle, "Look I'd rather not go canoeing with little miss Hilary, especially if I'm going to have a front row seat of her and Carson fucking on the water. Besides, she's didn't even come to tell us what we were doing today, we had to find out from the counselor next door."

"Okay... so she's a shitty counselor, we've established that." I proceeded to walk away from him, but him being the unintelligent person that he is, decided to follow me. "But this is going to be our only time being able to canoe without campers."

"If I'm there doesn't that kinda ruin the whole purpose?"

"But you're aren't like the other campers, you're our friend."

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide the obvious smile on my face from the fact that they think of me differently than everyone else.

"Are you jealous of Hilary?"

I started to choke on air and Mickey continued to look down at me smirking.

"Of Hellary? That witch? Absolutely not, Carson can stick his dick in any holes he wants." I put my hands on my hips to seem more prominent. He raised his eyebrows and I started walking over to the canoes again.

"Even if they're snake holes." I muttered under my breath even though Mickey could obviously hear me.

I would never be jealous of Hilary, sure she has a curvaceous body that Carson obviously finds attractive, and long eyelashes that compliment her blue eyes. But she has green hair and I personally didn't find vomit hair appealing, no matter how long and full it was. I didn't own Carson, Carson isn't mine for the taking. Even if I wanted too, Carson obviously sees me as his friend or he wouldn't be dicking down Mike Wazowski.

Not like I wanted too though.

"Okay well if your not jealous, why don't you come canoe with us and prove it."

"Why do you even want me to come so bad Mickey? Go find a blonde bimbo, I'm trying to get my camp experience here."

"Well that's an easy answer," He came around and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You make life more exciting Bree Jones."

I sighed and ran my petite fingers through my brown wavy hair, I knew there wasn't any point fighting with him.

"Let's just go and get this over with." I surrendered making Mickey jump down excitedly as he sped up walking towards the opposite direction.

"Also don't try to hard with Sebastian today, he's in a really bad mood."

"Why, what happened?"

"I don't know, he got a call from his sister this morning and he's been in a bad mood ever since." I frowned. Sebastian always looked unbothered and smirky, that was just his face.

It took a lot to make him sad.

As we neared where all of the counselors were prepping, I could see a scowl etching on Hilary's face. I couldn't help but feel humored by how instant I could change her mood.

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