Chapter 25: I like someone.

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Nobody wanted to be there.

"I'm glad we went through the cons seeing how there were definitely things we could improve on, but that goes for everything! How about we start naming our favorite moments from the trip?" A boy raised his hand. "Jonathan from Red Cabin?"

A small brown haired boy stood up from the crowd, he was wearing the typical camper outfit, you could definitely tell he was popular with the ladies the way he carried himself.

Jonathan coughed into his hand. "I liked when one of the guys from Magenta cabin choked on a hotdog and we got to leave to the bus early."

Carson almost started to choke himself with that statement, obviously trying to retain himself from laughing. Austin leaned over to whisper, "It was really funny, but the kid ended up going to the hospital and I think his parents are threatening to sue."

As soon as the laughter of the campers died down head counselor spoke again. "Okay everyone calm down, very funny haha. I would like everyone to know that Dennis is just fine and it was in no way our fault what happened, alright so you can go back and tell your parents that too."

The rest of the meeting went on just as boring, the only exciting moments being when Carson would peer over at me and make funny faces.

We stood up from our seats as soon as the meeting was over, when one of the campers from cabin brown yelled "Party in the woods, let's get w-wrect!"

"Imbeciles." Sebastian shook his head, making a point to show how annoyed he was.

"So you're not going?" Austin let out a dry laugh, looking over at Sebastian.

Sebastian shrugged, "I never said that."

We all made over to the part of the woods behind view of the important people, who most likely would stop our little party. Everyone around us was laughing and dancing away the un-satisfaction of the trip they had endured. Suddenly I spinned around to see Mickey hadn't followed us to the party, I instantly frown wondering why he had been so quite all day. Even when they had first come back and we all went down to eat breakfast.

"I'll be right back." I speak, looking over at the boys and back towards the direction of the cabins.

Carson holds onto my wrist. "Where are you going?" He looked like a confused panda.

"To see this boy." I say without even thinking of my words, suddenly I realize what I had just said while looking back up at Carson.

"What?" His voice drops a few octaves and his face has a strained expression, making my whole body tingle.

"Just Mickey, relax grandpa." I chuckle, feeling quite flustered.

He seemed to relax, his entire chest slowing down. "Oh right."

I walk away with the biggest grin on my face, my face resembling a beet red color.

That was really... cute.

• • •
"Mickey." I creak open the boy's cabin door, the entire room except the open window which illuminates Mickey sitting down on his bed, enveloped in the sheets.

"Go away Bree." He whispers, my soul feeling sad for him.

I proceed with caution, taking slow steps and closing the door behind me. "You don't have to talk to me, but you can't stop me from sitting down and staring at you while you sleep."

"That's really creepy."

"I know." I sit down across from him, watching him carefully. He looked so tired.

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