chapter seventeen

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Me and tyrese were inside our room. I was taking a shower while he was laying down on our bed watching movies. I came out and my body was wrapped with a white towel. I hairdry my hair and sit in front of the mirror. He was starring at me.

I took a lotion so that i can put it on my body. "Come to bed now babe. "Am still busy tyrese. "I thought they say only  man change after wedding but now it you. I laughed at him and said" When is your mother coming back? "I guess she will be here on Friday. "Mmmh.

I was done putting lotion on my body than i went to bed. Come here? Tyrese said that. "Why? "Oh really? Are you really asking your husband that question? "Yes why not? I smile.

I will count on four and if you don't come here you will see the worse of me. He than started counting. "Wait fine am coming. I came close to him and he kissed my hair. "Babe you know i have been waiting for this my whole life, i loved you like i never love someone. "Mmh babe thanks. Oh would you mind if i ask about your last relationship?

"Of course not go on. "Were you in love with the girl you dated in months ago? "Yeah i was deeply inlove with her but her parents said that am too old for her and they file  a case against me so yeah i was kicked out of the school so that when i decided to come here and look where i am today.

I hold his hand and his face was on my shoulder so I turned and kiss him. He unwrapped the towel and he was ready to have sex with while i suddenly feel like vommiting. I pushed him and went inside the bathroom i vomit there.

And when i was done i find him smiling. What are you smiling about? My head was spinning. "Is there any pain in your stomach? "Of course there is babe i think i eat to much sugar today.

I think you're having cramps and that means you're pregnant with my child. I got shocked and tears flows down tyrese looks so happy but i wasn't. "What? No it can't be,  i can't be pregnant how will i gave birth to my child. Tears flows down.

Babe don't cry just relax owky am happy. "You don't understand do you? Tyrese i won't be here to see my child growing, i won't gave birth to her/him. "I... "just shut up am going to bed and please don't try to touch me am tired. "Night i love you. Tyrese said that.

Diana's pov

Our room was decorated with powered blue and white it was so beautiful. Tyron picked me up and he put me on bed. "Let start now. "Oh no babe am too tired today's drama gave me headache so please can we do it tomorrow? "But babe out wedding night is today. "If you want it we can still do it tomorrow am sorry.

I put on the  blanket ontop of our bed than i went to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Adela(my mother ) what will she say when she knows that am married to a lesbian.

Early in the morning

I was at the kitchen preparing breakfast for my in-laws i than heard aliyola's voice at the danning room. I went there snd saw her cyring hugging her mother.

Is she owky? I ask mother in-law "She hasn't told me anything. Baby talk to me what wrong? "Mammy. She continue to cry. "Oh gosh what have you done tyrese? Diana said that. Tyron came downstairs and saw her sister crying he lost it.

Baby sister who hurt you like this? Why you cyring? "Mammy am am 3 months pregnant. "What? They all said that. "Mom you know that am dying soon so i can't gave birth to this baby. "Yes baby you can.

How mom? Doctor s.... "i can carry your baby for you. Diana said that. Tyron stares at me ."But how?  Tyron ask that.

She must give me her eggs than i will be able to be pregnant and besides troy is still out there so he must not know that ali is pregnant or else he will kill this baby.

Tyron wrapped his arm to me. "Thanks wifey. "Dont you worry hubby it my job to care for your family because what yours is mine and what mine is yours right? "Right wifey.

Aliyola hasn't stop crying i understand the pain she going through. How can someone get pregnant and know that she won't be able to raise her child. But mother managed to calm her down.

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