chapter twenty

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Babe look into my eyes and tell me the truth do i look like a cheater to you? Please tell me wifey. I let go of her collar and said" yes you do and you will always look like one.

She let go of my waist and i step back. "Diana. "No tyron please excuse me i want to take a shower. "Wifey i...

Tyrese pov

I was with my daughter and my niece  (ree) alisa was packing my clothes and ree was packing my shoes i was leaving for a business trip.

Daddy i think you should go tomorrow morning am not feeling owky about you leaving tonight. "Baby i will be fine and beside mr sinner will be with me. "But daddy i...

Am leaving for a few days and i will be back please let me go. "Owky dad but please call me as soon as you get there. "Trust me baby i will.

Uncle am done now you can have your meal before you leave. "Ree am not hungry. "Dad ree and i made this special meal for you please have it. "Owky i will have it.

I finished eating than i took my lagges  than i say goodbye to my family than i left. Alisa didn't want to let me go but i convinced her.

Christain pov

Ariana and i were having breakfast and tyron and her wife aren't wake up yet. When i was about to finish my breakfast daina shows up it looks like she didn't get enough sleep.

She came and took her sit i than greet her after some time tyron cam wearing my father's best suit, she really looks like a business man. My sister is so beautiful and attractive too.

Morning guys. She greet us. "Morning tyron. Ariana said that. "Morning wifey. She try to kiss her but diana just left the table. Now i know why she looks like that she's angry at her husband.

Man what did you do? I ask her. "Damm you andreana. She hit the table with her hand and Ariana got scared.

Hey man you're scarring my woman. I hold ariana's arms. And please don't break this table cause you won't be able to replace it. "Sorry. She than leave.

My love i never saw your sister angry like this. Ariana said that. "Me too babe. Diana came back.  "Hey diana what wrong with tyron? "I don't know. She takes her plate but she stop immediately when she saw  blood onto of the table.

Who's blood is this? She asked. "It tyron the minute you go when she try to kiss you she hurt herself with that knife and she didn't notice. "What? Where is she? "She left,she got some important  work remember. "Ohh yeah.

Diana tyron didn't cheat on you, Andreana is massing with you she wants you to leave tyron. "How did you know that? "Because someone try to separate me and my wifey but i didn't allow that so please don't allow it too.

But Christian i.. "think about it diana if tyron is really cheating on you, why did andrea choose to call now. " i don't know maybe tyron s...

While we were talking suriya came. "Excuse me maam am sorry to interrupt but the day miss andreana called she was asking for mr tyron but i told her that tyron isn't home and i told her that you're at home maybe you can take a message for him because she said that mr tyron is her boss so that why i gave you the phone.

You see tyron is innocent the time she heard that you're at home she created that story and you believed her my poor sister is suffering and i pray to good that she doesn't do anything stupid to andreana.

Diana if i were you i would have call tyron right now. Ariana said that. "No babe no call i think she should go to andreana's place am sure tyron is there

Owky please call me if she gets here i am going now.

Alisa's pov

I was in my centre when some guy called Alexander shows up infront  of me and he was smiling at me that got me irritated the most.

Hey beautiful. He sit next to me. "Excuse me am not beautiful my name is alisa. "Mmmh i never meet a beautiful girl like you.

I gnore him and continue studying  things got worse when he hold my hand and kiss it. "Hey what do you think you're doing? "Come on gorgeous i know that you want this as much as i want it.

In my centre there was only me and him nobody else i try to fight him but he was to strong. He grab my waist and drag me towards him. He try to kiss me but someone hit him with a plag on his back of a head and he fall.

I run and stand and the cornor and cry that guy fight alex until he run away. He came to me and ask me if i am owky.

I don't know what came over me but i just feel like hugging him and thank him for saving me today. "It owky now you can let go. I felt embarrassed after he said that.

I let go of him than he said,"Never get scared again boys will take advantage of that just trust yourself and fight him. "He was to strong for me. "Am i to strong for you? "What?

Come meet me at 13h00 after school here is the place that i want us to meet. He gave me a piece of paper that is written POWER (207 NOAN STREET)

"What kind of a place is this? "That where you will get power girl make sure you come today and don't be late. He than leave.

Andreana pov

I was watching tv when tyron came in. I was so happy to see her i screamed and run to her i jump on her and try to kiss her but she pushed me and i fell.

You such a bitch you know that? Andreana why can't you leave me alone am a marriage person now owky i only love her no one else try to get ride of that stupid feelings of yours.

I stood up and smile. "Tyron I know you want me as much as i want you. I took off my clothes and drag her to the sofa. "Don't full yourself andreana. She push me again.

Babe take me am yours. I kissed her and she respond with a hot slap on my face that course me to fall. "Never do that again.

She try to slap me again but diana stopped her. "Tyronnnnnn.

She turned back to look at her. "Diana what are you doing here? "I... "oh diana so you finally accepted that tyron belong to me. Remember i was naked so i stood up and hold tyron's arm.

Diana i... tyron try to say something but andrean didn't let her . "We were about to have sex when you came in. "Babe p...

Oh is that so? I said that. So tell me why did you stop? I mean what kind of a sex is this. "What do you mean? "I mean why did she slap you? Is this her new style of having sex.

Tyron laughed at her. "I... "listen andreana tyron is my husband and i won't broke up with him just because you set up some lies to keep us apart. Tyron stares at me.

Andreana i took you as my friend but you betrayed me at the end. "Oh stop it diana first of all you didn't love tyron you were just having fun so why are you fighting for her. You fucked her than you go and fuck your boyfriend is she aware of that?

What? Tyron said that. "Oh you didn't tell her oh my gosh am sorry for ruining your day but it the truth diana never loved you but ,i did she  never trusted you but ,i did she never fight for you but i did.

Andreana that was before now i love her that why i am here owky now stop it. "So it true you were playing me diana how could you? I trusted you and married you what more do you want from me.

Babe listen t... "enough diana am leaving. "Please hubby i... "no wifey today i won't even listen to you. She left andreama laugh at me. "She hate you now am sorry girlfriend. She said that. "But she still called me wifey that means she won't be angry for that long. I than left.

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