chapter 1

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It was getting close to the end of camp and everyone was starting to talk about what they thought the next year was going to be like for them Neil thought about how he might be able to blackmail his parents into sending him to a science program during the school year. Nikki was thinking about how after she got home she new her mom would probably try to talk into dressing up in really girly clothing and how she hated it when Nikki was covered in mud and dirt. Preston was going on about how when he got back to school how he'd star in his schools musical that year (or at least he'd hoped he would). Both David, and Gwen smiled at how well the kid's where behaving until something caught their attention or rather someone that wasn't there caught there attention.

"Where's Max?" David questioned wondering why Max would not be there when he Nikki, and Neil where always together during the day.

"Bathroom?" Gwen replied with another question not really seeming to be t worried even though it was really rare lately for Max to sneak away from the group.
"I'm going to go see where he is" David said excusing himself before walking out of the mess hall. If I where Max where would I go if I wanted to be alone David thought well walking in a random direction hoping he'd run into Max and that Gwen was right about him just going to use the restroom. All of a sudden a thought came into David's head if I wanted to hide from people i'd go to the last place that I'd think they'd look. David rushed over to Max's and Neil's tent making sure to catch his breath before entering the tent. Upon entering the tent David saw Max sleeping at first glace he looked peaceful but upon further inspection David noticed that Max seemed to be having a nightmare. David didn't what he should do he panicked thinking should I wake him up or just be here to talk when he wakes up. Well David was panicking Max began to talk in his sleep it started as non-understandable mumbling but them turned into full sentences. "I-I said I was sorry... I'll do better next time. I-It wont happen again I-I swear!!!!" Max shouted tossing and turning flailing his arms it looked as though he was trying to escape something. David suddenly fund himself trying to wake Max up David started by trying to calm him down and then stared calling Max's name hoping that Max would wake up and stop looking so scared he hated the thought that Max had to ever look like that ever since parent's day David had had a feeling that Max's parents weren't the best in the would but now based on what he could only assume what Max was dreaming about he like Max's parents where abusive. "Max hey Max wake up!" David shouted softly Max didn't wake up the first time so David try'ed again this time to David's relief Max woke up with a large gasp it took Max a couple seconds to catch his breath and realize he was awake and what he had just thought was real was a dream. Max took notice that David was in his tent and realized the all to familiar felling of tears that had formed in his eyes. "What I can't have any fucking time alone" Max shouted causing David to reply with his normal "Language Max". Max shrugged and then rolled back over and said "I've got a headache so you could leave anytime" slightly aggravated. "Alright Max but you'll be missing out on some fun activities today" David said in his usual cheerful tone before walking out of the tent to rejoin the others. 

Max waited a couple minuets before sitting up again just to make sure no one was around "well that was a fucking waste of time" Max groans as he went to dig into is smaller than usual backpack with not much in it all he brought with him was two changes of clothes his teddy bear Mr.hunnynuts and in the small little pocket in his backpack he had a small knife it wasn't the sharpest knife but it did the job that he brought it for he just hoped that his parents wouldn't notice 1 of there knifes missing but it would be just his luck wouldn't it. Max paused as he took the blade out of the small bag making sure he didn't hear anyone coming. Max heard nothing and just assumed that they where all in the mess hall he then proceeded to slip the sleeve of his hoodie up to expose his extremely scared arm and he began to make cuts over the scars knowing he would create new ones but he didn't care it would just be another reason for him to wear his sweater more often. Halfway through the fourth cut into it arm he heard all the campers getting closer to where he was in panic is shoved the knife under his pillow in the process cutting his finger he pulled his sleeve down just in time for Neil to come into the tent. "Hey Max you coming to the lake with us?" he questioned before Nikki came darting into the tent screaming something about swimming. "Hurry up guys where going swimming!!" she shouted jumping between both Max's, and Nile's beds causing Max to panic more as every time Nikki jumped onto his bed she came closer and closer to jumping on the pillow with the knife under it. In his panic Max stood up and quickly got both of his friends out of the tent and followed behind them Nile walking beside Max and Nikki jumping around as hyper as could be.

When they got to the lake David noticed Max and said "i'm glad you where able to join us Max" with a beaming smile it was almost blinding how happy David was in that moment. Gwen even looked like she was in a good mood. After everyone was in the swimsuits they all went into the water Max on the other hand didn't want to go into the water David thinking it was because Max couldn't swim walked over to ask "hey Max why don't you go get your swimsuit and get in the water I can help you learn to swim" David asked same cheerful smile on his face. "I'm fine don't really feel like using unnecessary energy".

"Are you sure Max?" David questioned. 

"Yea i'm sure" Max said waving his arms signaling David to leave he got the hint.


It was time for everyone to come in and eat Max didn't seem to want to do that either but he slowly got up and made his way to the mess hall with the other campers. Max grabbed food and went to sit with Nikki, and Nile at there usual table. They all spoke about how they where going to go out with a bang with Nikki questioning where the others lived as they may be able to hang out with each other after camp as well. Upon discussion the three found out that they all lived within fifteen minuets of each other and they'd be able to cause trouble out of camp as well it was a happy conversation until Nile thought about it if they all lived so close together how was it that they never saw each other. Max said it was because he went to a school out of the district and after school he just didn't go outside. Nikki said that she went to a prep school for girls and she had after school activities. And Nile just went to a normal school about a five minuet walk from his place. After all that Nikki asked what normal school was like and Max told her he didn't know as his school was not normal both of them looked to Nile with a puzzled look on there face as Nikki asked again what normal school was like. Nile responded with " I wouldn't say my school could be that different from yours normal classes, annoying teachers, kid you like and kids you don't, and no matter where you go there's always homework". Nikki said kinda disappointed "yea I guess your right" Max just didn't respond. It was soon time for every one to head to bed Max got up and threw his untouched food into the trash witch no one seemed to notice other than the Quartermaster who took offence to it. All the campers had went to bed except Max who sat awake not wanting to sleep knowing that camp was soon coming to an end.


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