Chapter 30

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~No one's P.O.V~

"Your lying there's no way that, that's true" Max said quieter than before letting go of Preston's arm and pushing past him leaving the tent to there gossip. " Why is Max in such denial?" Preston questioned getting dodging glances from both Nikki, and Neil. "Well.... I think it's time to hit the road" Nikki said grabbing Neil's arm both of them leaving the tent, and Preston to wonder all on his own. "We need to go find Max" Neil said finally pulling his arm free. "Well he could have went to go see David" Nikki motioned to the cabin. Nikki knocked on the cabin door where Gwen opened the door. "what do ya little shits want?" Gwen asked still half asleep. "Can we talk to David?" the two asked together. Gwen smiled telling them not to worry if it was about Max "if it's Max you wanna talk to David about he got here about five minuets before you did". 

"Oh well then I guess our job here is done" Nikki said turning on here heels before Neil grabbed her shoulder. "Nikki wait we can't just leave without seeing if Max is alright" Neil protested. Gwen gave them both a look "well if your going to stay I guess Id'e best let you inside" She smiled opening the door and standing near the side of it for the two to come inside. Just as Gwen was about to shut the door a foot stopped it from closing. "Preston what brings you here?" Gwen popped her head out the door questioning the boy's prescience. "I wanna know whats going on and why Nikki, and Neil wont tell me I mean iv'e been completely honest about everything they asked!" Preston burst into the cabin yelling. "Alright tell me whats going on" Gwen's demanding tone sounding almost motherly. "Well Max couldn't remember the last couple days and asked me what happened I told him the truth and he got all mad and stormed off" Preston explained now needing to catch his breath. "Well clearly iv'e been left out of the loop but i'm sure i'll learn more later but you two need to at least tell Preston why he can't know what you wont tell him" Gwen looked over at the kids before bringing them to the couch and sitting them down. "I'm gonna go talk to David you three stay here" Gwen glared then smiled before walking away. 

~Gwen's P.O.V~

After telling the kids to stay put I went to go check in on Max, and David. It took all my will power not to eavesdrop. I took a breath and knocked on the door, the voices on the other end fell silent. "Yes?" I heard David's voice on the other side of the door. "Um David we may have a problem with Preston" my voice was so unsure in the sentence, I knew David still had to explain things to me about the last couple days, but with one thing after another it was difficult. The next thing I knew I was standing face to face with David the door now open. "David I know that there's a lot going on right now but I think we need to bring Nikki, and Neil, and maybe Preston because he said he may be the reason Max is here" David smiled as he looked back at Max I couldn't see Max's face but when David turned back around he told me to bring the three in. 

~No one's P.O.V~

When Nikki, Neil, and Preston joined David, and Max in David's room Gwen decided it would be best to stay in the living area in case other kids came in. "So..." Nikki said breaking the silence "how ya doing Max?" Nikki tilted her head. "I'm fine id'e be better if Preston wasn't lying" Max's eyes darted towards Preston with not hate or anger but worry. "Now Max we don't know that Preston was lying seeing as everything aside from a few things I can confirm" David said calmly. Max's body language changed after David said that the room took notice. "So say what Preston is saying is true, unless I was drugged I would never have kissed him" Max said snidely, before his face paled. "Max?" David went to put a reassuring hand on Max's shoulder before Max swatted it away. "What the fuck David did you know I was being drugged!?" Max was visibly beginning to break down now. "Max please I need you to breath" David ran over to Max trapping him in a hug. "F-f-fuck off D-David!". "Max I had no idea until just yesterday anything was happening if I did I would never have let anything happen to you" David whispered into Max's ear so nobody would hear but Max. Max's breathing hitched the room falling silent yet again. Nikki, Neil, and Preston all agreed it would be best to leave David to talk to Max alone leaving to sit with Gwen as they where now all worried.


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