Chapter 33

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~No One's P.O.V~

Dinner was going great considering David only brought caned food with him he seemed to know exactly what everyone would want, Max finished eating quickly and ran back to his tent after telling David something that nobody saw. Max was alone in the tent practicing on his guitar, getting lost in what he was doing when he heard shifting from behind him. Max's head shot around and met the shocked gaze of Preston. "What now your breaking into people's tents?" Max said sarcastically before going back to what he was doing. "No I was waiting for you respond for five minuets, I have a question I need to ask you" Preston's expression suddenly became serious. "Yea and whats that?" Max said repeating the same three chords over and over. "Well i'm sure Nikki told you but.." 

"Yea, and I guess since you wont fucking stop annoying me until your satisfied, yes David has a kid, yes that kid is me, and no i'm not giving you anymore fucking information, now leave me alone i'm busy". The tent was silent before Preston quickly and quietly left. Nikki entered the tent seconds later. "So you told him but are you sure he's not gonna out you?" Nikki teased as she sat down in her sleeping bag. "Well if he doesn't out me this campfire sure fucking will" Max laughed. "So... What yea gonna play tonight?" Nikki asked to get no answer form Max. "Ok well I guess I can wait considering Space-kid is the only one still eating" She smiled as she got up to head to join the others around the fire. "OOO SMORES!!" Max heard Nikki shout only minuets later.

~Max's P.O.V~

The summer so far had been as all over the place it could be here at Camp Campbell I've walked through hell and now i'm gonna do something really fucking dumb. I picked up my guitar and walked out of the tent towards the fire, I sat down beside Nikki, and Neil all of us sharing a glance Nikki must have told Neil was I was doing. Moments later David looked over at me and I gave him a nod, he quickly stood up. "Alrighty campers Max has put together a performance he'd like to show everyone!". David's voice echoing over the other campers and bringing the chatter to a halt. In moments all eye's where on me and I couldn't help but fear messing up, I mean I worked so hard on this for David. You know what I fucking got this I did played for the camp before right ok go I thought as my hands began to move but what the camp didn't expect was for lyrics to come with the song. "There's a place I know that's tucked away..." to my surprise other campers started singing even Gwen was singing along. The song went on until The sound of sobbing was heard, I stopped playing and looked up to see David crying with a smile on his face.

~No One's P.O.V~

"David whats wrong are you ok?" Gwen said quickly getting up thinking David could have gotten hurt. The whole camp was now around David seeing if he was alright. David finally said something after he calmed his tears down. "Y-yea i'm fine thanks for worrying about me, I'm just so proud it's over whelming" David blew his nose into the tissue that Gwen had grabbed for him. The camp was silent still hearing crying but they couldn't figure out where it was coming from at first till David got up from where he was sitting and walked over to Max giving him a hug. Much to the campers shock (not Nikki, Neil, or Preston) not only did Max not push David away he was the one that was crying. "Max you alright?" David asked looking a crying Max in the eye's. Max rubbed his eye's and said "Yea it's just that no-one has every said that about me or to me before"

The end       

(A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading and following this story I know its sad that its coming to an end but I will be starting a new series soon. If there are any one shot writing requests any of my readers have I would love to try writing prompts from other people. Again thank you.)           

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