Chapter 28

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~Preston's P.O.V~

No amount of acting could save me now everything I had ever learned to get me out of this situation was gone. "Preston?" both Harrison, and Nerris said in unison "do you need the marble of memory to help? because if so I lent it to Nikki to help her remember where she left her rock". Harrison gave a small chuckle as I began to sweat even though Max would kill him he had to tell Nerris right, Before I could think the words came out of my mouth "well yesterday Max wasn't looking so good when I went to ask if he was alright he passed out and I brought him to our tent to not embarrass him!" I looked around to make sure no one else heard what I said and a wave of relief washed over me as Nerris, Harrison, and I where the only ones outside. "So Max is mad or confused?" Nerris's question made me think I just assumed he was angry at me and didn't even think about what went through his head when he woke up where he didn't remember being. "Preston?" I looked up to both Nerris, and Harrison before falling to my knees.

~Max's P.O.V~

Why the hell can't I stop thinking about this morning it's fucking ridiculous, I'm not even hungry but if I don't go to the mess hall David will think somethings wrong. "Max could I have a word with you please" "What the Fuck!!" I must have said that out-loud because I looked up and everyone was staring at me. I quickly turned my gaze to the closest person who happened to be David hoping everyone would just go back to what they where doing "the fuck do you want?" David blinked before speaking again "Max could I please have a word with you?" looking a little worried as he spoke. "Yea, yea whatever camp-man" I got off the chair and followed David as he walked out of the mess hall. "David what is it?" I said as David just kept walking towards the counselors cabin. Once inside the cabin David turned to me and asked "Max is there anything you want to talk about?" I was confused what could I want to talk about did David notice something I didn't? "Max?" David questioned again. "I thought we went over this David, if I want to talk about stuff i'll go to you" I stated, I knew it hurt David but there was clearly nothing wrong I mean what could be wrong, iv'e been living like a god since David adopted me it was great but like hell id'e get to comfortable, or let David know that. David smiled still looking worried but he trusted me and since that one day shortly after he took me in I told myself I would never give him a reason to not trust me. "alright Max you should head back before people start talking" he ruffled my hair, "come on DAD" I said jokingly moving his hands away before I was pulled into a hug "you called me dad" David squeed before placing me back onto the ground and going back to camp activities knowing that I would come to talk when he was ready. 

Time Skip...       

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