Chapter 6

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About a day before the Max was told to go and help make sure his friends dressed right for the occasion. Max was walking down the street a car drove by and then screeched to a halt. "Max is that you!?" a familiar and and cheery voice said. Max spun around coming face to face with the last person he wanted to see "David!" Max shouted face-palming in the process. "Whats wrong Max did your parents not tell you I was coming over?" David questioned looking down at the annoyed Max. 

"You know the dinner party is tomorrow right?" Max said as if he knew that David had mixed up the dates.

"Yes Max I know the dinner is tomorrow but I wanted to be sure that I knew where your place was so that I knew I would't be late or miss it" David replied with a really big smile on his face. "Max are you on your way home?" David then questioned.

"No i'm heading over to Nikki and Nile's to help them pick out cloths for the dinner party. My mother thought it would be fun to invite them" Max replied clearly trying to tell David to fuck off.

"Wow it's going to be like a big reunion of Camp Campbell Campers. Do you know who else is going to be there?" David asked really existed to see the other two campers as well. Max shook his head.

"No I don't know who else is going to be there but the foods going to be really good" Max said getting cocky by the end with his statement. 

"Would you like a ride to there houses?" David asked with a cheerful look on his face. 

"No i'm fine i'll walk" Max responded beginning to become annoyed with how much David was speaking. 

"Are you sure?" David said with a slightly upset look on his face. 

"Yes so fuck off" Max said as he turned away from David continuing his walk to Nikki's.


After Max was done helping Nikki and Nile figure out what they'd be wearing and telling them they had to behave they all went to the park to play a new game that Max hadn't played before lava monster. About ten minuets into there game Max looked up a noticed David's car. Great Max thought as the car door opened. "Max I finally found you!" David shouted looking slightly concerned. Max looked at him confused before replying with.

"Yea i'm right here why where you looking for me?" Max said confused as to why David would be looking for him did David run into his parents and if so what did they tell him.

"Your parents are worried sick about you Max" David replied as he finally finished walking up to the playground. Why would they be worried Max thought unless. Max paused before finishing his thought that's what there doing trying to look like caring parents and make it look like he was the problem. "Max your parents said you should have been home hours ago" David continued causing both Nikki, and Nile to become confused.

"Wait what the fucks going on here?" Nile shouted stopping the conversation between David, and Max. 

"I was invited to Max's parents dinner party tomorrow and I wanted to be sure that I knew where the house was. When I found his house his parents where just getting home and invited me in where we had a very pleasant conversation until about a hour ago when they looked at the time and started to panic because Max wasn't home yet and he was asked to be home before three. And right now it's six pm and there where very close to calling the police but I told them to wait and I would take a quick look around for him" David finished answering Nile's question causing Max to panic.

"It's already that late!" Max shouted bolting up and running off without saying anything else. Both Nikki, and Nile looked at each other and then to David. Nile then remembered about when he saw Max's arm after pulling up Max's sleeve and what Nikki said when she went to Max's house. 

"Hey David" Nile said still contemplating on whether or not to tell David what he thought.

"Yes Nile?" David said questioningly with a smile. Nile thought about it before Nikki blurted this out.

"Max cuts himself!" she shouted breaking the silence between Nile, and David. David's head shot to face Nikki and his normal smile turned into that of sadness and confusion.

"Nikki!" Nile shouted while David was still thinking about how to respond further confirming what Nikki had stated.

"Is that all that has happened with Max?" David asked causing both Nikki, and Nile to look away as if they knew something else. "Is there something that I should know?" David questioned causing them both to look at each other and silently agree.

"Yea we also think that Max's parents beat him up" Nikki added to her previous statement. Davids facial expression changed to anger before he said.

"I hope you guy's aren't lying to me because I'd be very disappointed if that where the case" David finished in a very serious tone.

"No I saw it or kinda saw" Nikki responded drawing Davids attention toward her again. "Yea I was walking home and saw him and went to go see if he wanted to hang out then when I got to the door I heard a HUGE thud and then yelling and another thud and then I heard Max it sounded like he was hurt and then all of a sudden the door flew open and out came Max as if he was thrown outside and they slammed the door". Nikki said retelling the story of what had happened. David looked heart broken he had just gave Max trouble for making his parents worry and now if what Nikki, and Nile are saying is true there probably beating as they speak.

"This is very serious i'm going to call the police" David said taking out his cellphone and dialing the phone number. (Hello nine one one please state your emergency).                

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