Chapter 21

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~Gwen's P.O.V~

Jason, and I where in the mess hall setting up the days activities when I heard shouting at first I thought it was the campers so I sent David out but seeing as he has not come back and it now much louder than it was before. What on earth is going on out there I thought getting up leaving Jason at the table to continue what we where doing. "I'll be right back. I'm going to check out whats going on outside" I said now a little concerned while making my leave. As soon as I stepped outside I took the entire scene. A woman was yelling at David and then out of nowhere she just slapped him right in the face he didn't even flinch. I decided not to draw attention to myself and go call the police even though i'm sure they where still sick of us from last year. 

~Preston's P.O.V~

I couldn't believe what I was seeing it looked like a action play where the hero has to decide whether to fight or lose it all. I couldn't take my eyes off the show I knew something bad had happened but that didn't matter it was great inspiration I was on the edge of my metaphorical seat. I was watching when I noticed Max's eyes darting from the women to somewhere in the other direction he seemed nervous I wonder why. Everyone was coming up with the weirdest reasons as to why that woman was here but I stopped paying attention when she knelt down to Max. "Max sweetheart please i'm sorry that I acted out I just missed you" the woman pleaded but as a member of the theater myself I could hear how angry she was nobody else seemed to notice that fact thought or at least I thought no one did until I looked back at Max. He looked petrified like she was medusa and he had just met her gaze. "Ma'm i'm going to say this again but you are disrupting the camp and campers and i'm going to have to ask you to leave. David stood his ground like a great main hero. "Honey i'm sick of this could you please talk to them i'm gonna have a smoke" I guess she was done acting because she called over someone that I didn't see until she called him over that must have been who Max was looking at. The woman walked to the car parked under the sign she had crossed paths with the man who as he got closer Max moved away like he knew something that nobody knew but him. The best part of the show was going to start the princess being protected by the prince who was attacked by the evil stepmother and then a dragon one right after the other. "David I think we should call the police" Max whispered so quiet that only if people knew he was talking they would hear him from far away. David still didn't budge his gaze fixated on the man making his way over to us. Every step the man took Max took the smallest step back. iv'e never seen Max act like this and nobody else was looking at everything clearly or else they would have made fun of Max or would have at least said something. The man finally made it over to Max, and David Max now a good foot away from David and David having a stare down with the clearly much bigger man. "Look i'm on;y here cause she wants me to be so let her have the runt and we'll be on our way if not we'll have to use force" the man seemed much calmer than I thought he would be from his walk over here. Max looked surprised to "Look sir i'm letting Max go with you or his aunt because you are not his legal guardian and I need to ask you to please get out of my" David was cut off by a right hook to the face followed by a knee to the stomach. I could see that David was in pain as the crowed let out a gasp I looked over to Max his look more worried/concerned than I had ever seen him almost like he liked David. David didn't stand by and let the man beat the shit out of him he began fighting back and he was actually good Max didn't seem surprised that David could fight but more like he was surprised that David was holing his own against the giant man. David was winning when all of a sudden the woman from before started screaming at Max he must have seen her sneaking behind David with that big rock in her hands and jumped on her back to stop her from hitting David with it. David was to busy to notice what Max had done so it was just the campers watching in awe as both Max, and David fought as allies against the enemy. I began to feel worry for them as David's speed began to decrees and Max was throw off the woman. Why hadn't anyone stepped in why where we just watching and why why wont my legs move even though I want them to.         

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