Chapter 17

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~David's P.O.V~ 

"Max are you ready to go!?" I stood at the front door waiting for Max who seemed to not want to forget anything for our long trip. I still haven't told him where we are going but i'm sure he could guess Camp Campbell. Even though at the end of last summer it was temporarily shut down for safety reasons it's back up and ready to go i'm so excited. Look at the clock if we don't hurry we'll be late "Max where going to be late if you take much longer!" I shouted as in a playful tone so that he would hear me. "Yea i'll be right the-" *CRASH*. "Max are you alright!" I ran to check on Max to see he was trying to bring the guitar I bought for him with us. A tear of joy almost fell from my eye before he ran passed me so quickly I could feel a breeze. "You coming David" he chuckled well I made my way to the door. I smiled and helped Max get his things in the car but he refused to let me put the guitar in the trunk of the car and sat in the back with it. Every once in a while id'e look back and see him going over chords not in order but it was nice to see him happy it took almost the whole school year to get him to genuinely smile he's changed quite a bit to hes starting to see the positives in things and try's to be cool all the time but it's nice. "Uh David will you tell me where were going now?" I  couldn't tell weather or not he knew and was just asking for me so he could be surprised or had no idea either way I wasn't going to spoil the surprise. "My lips are sealed you'll know soon enough" I smiled before turning on what I had found to be Max's favorite radio station.

~Max's P.O.V~ ~TIMESKIP~

We had been driving for almost two hours and slowly things were starting to look familiar but for what ever reason David wouldn't tell me where we were going. This is so boring I thought as something caught my eye. I-is that the oh god were going to camp I didn't say that out loud because I didn't wanna ruin David's BIG SURPRISE but really camp fucking Campbell. I decided I shouldn't put to much thought into it. I just go back to working on what I had been practicing the whole car ride. Within a half hour the car came to a halt and David jumped out and quickly opened my door I knew I should act surprised but I only gave a small smile and shrugged it off. I could tell David new that I was happy-ish but I knew he still had the same goal as last year to make me love this awful camp with only good thing that came out of it was meeting David, Nikki, and Neil. "I'm going to go to my tent" I said started to walk away with my things. I who will be here this year and if there will be any new kids here this year. I throw all my things on the cot except for my guitar I made sure to be extra careful with that. Within a couple minuets I could hear a car pull into the camp I didn't recognize the sound of that car so I decided to go and check it out. "Hey Max come and the brand new third helper to our Camp Campbell team" as much as I wanted to put them through hell again this year they needed the help just the two of them was going to make it impossible if new kids might be coming to the camp. As David asked I went to greet the new guy but he kinda gave me chills but I just shrugged it off. "Hey uh M.a.x? i'm Jason good to meet ya" he shook my hand which sent a chill down my spine. I just nodded and stood beside David after that creepy handshake. We had been there for an hour and Gwen had shown up a couple minuets before the campers did and things hadn't changed much since last year I asked the police to keep it off the news with what happened about my parents so no one but Nikki, Neil, and Gwen know that David adopted me I liked it that way. Everyone from last year was I didn't see any new kids but i'm sure it wouldn't be long till at least a couple new kids showed up. David thought it would be best to put everyone in the same tent they had the previous year but this year Nikki had other plans she decided that she didn't want to stuck in a tent close to the counselors cabin so she took refuge in mine and Neil's tent. "Guys guess what happened last weekend!" Nikki's arms flew up to emphasize how excited she was. I was kinda curious and it looked like Neil was to we both listened waiting to hear what she had to say. "My mom got a new boyfriend and now where super rich!" both Neil and I lost interest as we both grew up with a lot of money at home so we where used to it. "You guys are know fun and to think I was gonna invite you both skiing winter break" she crossed her arms. Nikki changed quite a bit from our previous year of camp I think her mom wanting her to be more girly and lady-like finally got to her. At that time the loud speaker that wasn't usually used came on (Hey campers it's good to see you all back and in good heath but it's time for everyone to head to bed so you can all be ready for tomorrow. Have a good night) David's cheery voice said before the speaker cut out to be honest I was worried he was going to say goodnight to me over the loud speaking that would have been embarrassing. "Welp night guy's I said grabbing my blanket and pillow and rolling over.

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