Chapter 16

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Max woke up again to David sharing a bed with him. Max got up thinking what the fuck when did I come inside last night. Was it a dream Max looked around the room and saw the book David had bought for him the day before. Max smiled and got out of bed then proceeded to make his way to the kitchen.

~Max's P.O.V~

I decided id'e like to make breakfast for David and myself today what I was going to make was bacon and eggs. I started right away I made the bacon first it had been a while since I had made bacon so I wasn't as careful as I could have been having the juice from the bacon splash on my hand "fuck" I pulled my hand away from the pan and ran it under cold water and then returned to my cooking. Now that the bacon was done I moved to the eggs. I was never good at over easy eggs but I thought id'e try. One two three I counted in my head then "shit" the egg broke. "Scrambled it is then" I shrugged continuing to cook. Would toast be to much I thought finishing plating the food I had just prepared. Yea toast might be to much I put the plates on the table then went to wake up David. "David it's time to get up" I said to the sleeping man. Nothing time to try again. "hey shit head time to wake up or i'll throw out your breakfast!" I shouted this time which woke David up he scolded me for swearing but then looked at me with confusion. "What do you mean my breakfast?" he questioned but didn't get a response I just grabbed his hand and brought him to the kitchen. I looked up to see David's reaction he looked so happy that he could blind someone with how bright his smile was. "Well Max we can't let your fantastic cooking go to waste now can we" David walked toward the table and sat down. I followed and began to eat after he started old habits die hard I guess. I don't think hes noticed that iv'e never once started eating before he has and id'e like to keep it that way. "David is there anything that we have to do today?" I said with a mouth full of food. "Not much other than clothes shopping for you" David smiled as he finished his food. I finished shortly after and David took my plate to the sink. Then we where off to the store. "Max you can pick out anything you'd like alright" David smiled as we where at the clothing section of the mall. I walked around look for anything that caught my eye. So far there was nothing and then there it was a sweater that looked like the one I normally wore but it had a zipper and a bigger hood. It was perfect until I tried it on. It was to big for me but it was the only thing I liked. "It's alright Max if we get it at this size then you'll grow into it" David cheerfully stated making me feel better. So I grabbed the sweater and handed it to David I also got a new pair of pants. I didn't want anything else so David and I went to pay for my new clothes. "That'll be.. twenty four fifty" The lady working the cash register said. David pulled out his money and paid for the clothes and we went on our way. David decided it it would be a good idea to go and get ice cream. I wasn't going to protest but I didn't want David to spend all his money. We ate our ice cream and headed home it was a fun day in all. When David and I got home we decided to watch a movie he let me pick to which I picked a horror movie even though I knew David didn't like them and he scared easy. David didn't even try to talk me into watching a different movie he just played the movie. We ended up watching almost six movies non-stop.

~TIMESKIP~ ~David's P.O.V~  

Max and I watched six horror movies back to back I never liked them but Max sure loved them. He fell asleep half way through the sixth movie I didn't notice though until a jump scare when I jumped and he let out a groan as he moved to get comfortable again. I decided that Max would sleep with me tonight. Not because I was scared after all those horror movies. Definitely not but because I wanted to be there in case he had another night terror. I walked with Max in my arms up the stairs and put him in my bed and I went to get ready for bed. When I was done getting ready I went to get into bed when I heard Max mumbling in his sleep the only thing I could make out was he said my name. I thought it was so cute how he was dreaming about me and hoped that it was a good dream. I climbed in bed lied down and fell asleep.

(A/N there is going to be a significant time skip in the next chapter just a heads up)   

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