Chapter 25

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~Max's P.O.V~

I think the coffee was just what I needed I was just starting to feel better when everything around me started to get blurry. I knew I was having trouble walking before I came here. "Should-a just went back to my tent" I said under my breath. I guess I looked worse than I felt because Jason suddenly grabbed on to my shoulders but soon his worried expression turned to lust. I couldn't do much if he did try anything i'm having trouble just keeping my eyes open.

~David's P.O.V~

I walked into the mess hall and noticed that Max wasn't there I guess he just needed his time. I looked around and noticed that Jason was missing as well "Gwen wheres Jason?". She didn't take long to answer. "Oh he went to check on Max not sure where though".

"Alright thank you Gwen i'll be right back you'll be fine right?".

"Yea i'm sure your worried about Max but you have to tell me what the fuck happened outside earlier when you get back".

"Deal" I walked off to go find Max I knew he wouldn't hide around the camp I mean at the house when he was angry and would run off I would always find him by the old oak tree in the woods by our house. I was walking for about five minuets before I could hear Max mumbling it was just loud enough that I could make out what he was saying (Ja..saon w-what are you doing wi-with my shirt?). What Max said made my blood run cold I ran over to where I heard Max's voice and was hoping what I thought wasn't what I was going to see. "Max!" I froze Jason had Max pinned to the ground with one hand and his other hand undoing Max's pants. I was furious so much in fact that when I calmed down Jason was unconscious and Max was as well. Thank god Max doesn't look hurt I thought as I picked up Max and quickly made my way back to the camp I need to call the police. Max was still acting weird when we got back to the camp and even when I called the police Max was not acting like himself. I just need to wait till the police get here "Max are you alright?" he just stared at me then nodded. What else could possibly go wrong today. The police showed up after what felt like forever and I lead them to where I left Jason thank god he was still there I was worried when I brought Max back to the cabin. I asked Preston to keep and eye on him while I showed the police where Jason was I hope Max isn't being difficult.

~Preston's P.O.V~

David burst into the mess hall and asked me to go with him on our way to the cabin a police car pulled in and David rushed me into the cabin and just flat out asked me to watch Max. At fist I was confused until I spoke with Max. "So Max why did David look so mad?" I waited a little before asking my question again Max still didn't say anything he just stared at me and then I stared at him. For a little while it was just sitting and staring until I was starting to get bored. I was about to get up to see if David was on his way back when Max's face was suddenly pressed against mine. "Max what's gotten into you!" I shouted pushing him away from me. He still didn't speak he just continued to look at me a light blush on his face. "Why do you insist on making fun of me!?" I questioned hoping to get some sort of response out of him. Nothing Max now looked like he was about to cry I felt bad for yelling at him but you don't just kiss someone suddenly then say nothing when there freaking out right. "Max are you alright?" I needed to ask just to be sure I mean I was so shocked that I might have hurt him. Still nothing Max must be embarrassed that's it right or at least that's what I though before Max almost fell off the bed. "Max!?" I just caught him before he would have fallen on the ground. I quickly figured out that he had passed out should I call someone I don't know what to do. I quickly started pacing back and forth when David walked in. "David Max passed out and" I didn't finish what I was saying cause I noticed David was completely calm.       

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