Let's Get Married

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We were sitting in the living room watching a travel show. Candon was the big cushion, as we called it. Paul was propped up against him with his back to Candon's chest and I was laying on Paul.   A beautiful blue beach with thatched roof homes built on the water flashed across the screen.

"Did you know poly marriage is legal in Bahrain, Morocco, and the Maldives?" Paul said out of the blue.

Candon and I looked at him. He was still looking at the screen.

"And?" Candon asked. "We're not citizens of those countries."

Paul turned slightly and faced Candon. "Can we move?"

I giggled softly as Candon's eyes went wide.  It seemed so ridiculous.  But Paul was serious.

"Where is this coming from?" Candon asked with a slight frown.

Paul sighed and resumed his position. "Nevermind. It was stupid."

I didn't like his dejected tone.  I laced my fingers through his and kissed his hand.  "Paul , do you want to get married?"

He smoothed out my eyebrows. "I'd like to."

"To both of us?"

He poked my nose.  "Of course."

It almost felt weird. We'd never discussed marriage before. We all had the sense that we wanted to be together forever but didn't think about the tiny details. Like, who would legally be wed to who? Could we do a commitment ceremony instead? Whose last name would we take? Would we have combined last names? Would we be able to have our finances linked? Legally how would we handle our assets? What about medically? Who would have rights or access in an emergency?  Kids.  Was I ready to be a parent?

"Since we're talking marriage." Candon said interrupting my internal meltdown.  "What about kids?"

Paul and I looked at each other then at Candon.  Is he psychic?

I smiled.  "I'd love to have some kids to spoil for Christmas."

"Isn't Paul enough?" Candon asked poking him in his sides.

Paul giggled and twisted.  "Hey!"  He rolled off the couch nearly cracking his head on the table.  So clumsy.

Candon and I sat up laughing hysterically.  Paul snatched the bowl of chips from Candon and shoved some in his mouth pouting.  When we finally calmed down, Paul sat between us on the couch.

"I don't think it would be a bad idea. Move to the Maldives, become citizens, get married, have kids."  Paul had this wistful look in his eyes.

Candon groaned and stretched his long legs over us.  "Can't we do that here?"

"You know America doesn't do polygamy," I pointed out.

"What if we have a commitment ceremony, give power of attorney over everything to each other? It's not marriage per se but it gives us the legal rights we're looking for kind of. Without changing our citizenship."

We were quiet as we took it all in. It was something. It would give us what we wanted. Marriage was really just a piece of paper signed by an official and filed in the vital records department of the courthouse. It was a formality that wasn't even necessary to the people involved in the relationship. We've been so programmed to think the act of getting married, placing the rings, and getting that paper is what binds a relationship and it's not. It's the commitment and love of the people involved that matter and their willingness to work through their issues no matter what.

Paul stood slamming the bowl on the table.  Chips splashed over the sides.  "I want to do it!"

I chuckled.  So exciteable.  "Is that a proposal?"

"It could be?" Paul said wiggling his eyebrows.

Candon nudged him with his foot.  "You don't sound too sure."

A blush dusted his cheeks as he grabbed both our hands and sat on the table.  He didn't say anything for a moment and I looked over at Candon.  He seemed just as confused and shrugged slightly.

"Candon, Jaeger.  We've been together for a while now.  You guys have been there for me when my own family turned their backs on me.  We've been through some shit but we're working through it.  I love you more than life itself.  I want to continue to have you in my life forever."

My heart thundered in my chest.  Holy shit.  He was really gonna-

His deep blue eyes looked back and forth between us.  "Candon, Jaeger.  Will you marry me?"

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