Chapter 1

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Penny's POV:

HAVVEE YOU HEARD THE NEWS THAT YOUR DE-...I grabbed my phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID,"hello?" I said "PENNYY WAKE UP" I heard my twin brother Awsten yell over the phone "ugh aws why did you call me so earlyyy" I whined rolling over to get out of bed "penny it's 11:30..its not early" he laughed that quickly woke me up I look over at the clock on my nightstand holy shit its 11:30 how did I sleep so late "hellooo earth to penny,you still there?" Awsten asked "yea yea still here" I answered back "welll good to know because I have something important to ask ya" Awsten tells me,as soon as he says that I perk up "Oh yea what's up awsie" I ask excitedly "Haha I knew that would wake ya up.." he says,he continues on by asking "I wanted to know if you wanted to join me and the rest of the band on warped tour,I really miss you and I want you to meet Geoff and Otto" I don't even need time to think it over "Of course ill go with you guys it will be so much fun!" I reply very excitedly I think for a second then carry on the conversation by asking "Geoff and Otto,those are the two that are in the band with you right?"  "yea Otto plays drums and Geoff plays guitar" he reply's the line goes silent for a few seconds before Awsten continues talking again "well penny you should get to paking warped tour is in 2 days Ill talk to you later"  "Okay aws I love you see you soon!" I reply "love you too can't wait to see you byee" and with that I end the call and start to pack up everything I need.

A/N:Not a super long chapter hope yall are enjoying it so far see ya in the next chapter


Lets Be Lucky People//Geoff Wigington x OCWhere stories live. Discover now