Chapter 3

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Penny's POV:I was sitting on the couch watching TV,I had packed the last of my things and was now waiting for my brother,after about 10 minutes I heard a knock on my door I grabbed my bags and my phone and answered the door to see my bubbly twin brother waiting with open arms,he gives me a big hug and takes my bags for me "wow I cant wait for you to see us perform and oh my god the guys are so excited to meet you ever since I told them I ahd a twin sister" I chuckled at his excitedness he sat my bags in the car and we got in and started our route to the bus

-Time skip brought to you by beebo's forehead-

We had finanlly made it to the bus it was big and said "WATERPARKS" in big letters on the side I hurriedly jumped out of the car and Awsten helped me grab my things we started walking towards the bus when I seen two guys standing there on their phones looking bored as hell. Awsten sat my things in a bunk then walked me over to the two guys "hey guys" he said giving them both hugs "hey awsten they said in unison" "Geoff,Otto this is my twin sister Penny,Penny this is Geoff and Otto" Awsten introduced us with his bubbly happy voice "Hi" I responded shyly with a small wave they smiled and Otto came in for a hug "its sooo nice to finally meet you" Otto says I chuckle and pull away from the hug Geoff then does the same giving me a hug he smells of vanilla and cinnimon its nice and the hug is warm I wanted to stay in his arms lie this forever 'WAIT NO NO NO NO YOU CAN NOT FALL FOR UR BROTHERS BESTFRIENDS LET ALONE HIS BAND MEMBERS' I thought to myself I pull away from the hug and see that Geoff has a slight blush I smile and Awsten clap's his hands together "alrighty then lets get into the bus and all set up now shall we" He says we all nod and file into the bus

A/N:Hey hope your enjoying so far 


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