Chapter 23

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Penny's POV:

The guys had all left and it was just andy and I again,I decided to let him know that im going to go back home I miss my brother,and otto,and Geoff oh I miss geoff so bad I hope he hasnt found somebody better than me,I would be so easy to replace "hey you okay cupcake?" Andy asked pulling me out of my thoughts "u-uh yea just thinking" I said with a small smile "hey andy I need to talk to you" I said sitting next to him on the couch "okay shoot whats up?" he said putting an arm around me waiting for me to speak "I-I think im ready to go home,as much as I love being here with you I really miss texas and my family" I said looking up at his face,his smile seemed to fade into a small frown "uh yea right well um I can help you pack up your things and drive you to the airport if ya like" he replied "oh uh yea that would be great I leave in 2 days" I said I looked into his eyes 'why did he seem so sad' I thought "andy?" he looked at me "yea?" he replied "MOVETOHOUSTONTEXASWITHMESOWECANSEEEACHOTHER" I said super fast "whoa slow down and repeat" he said "you should move to texas with me then you wont be lonely you can come over to my place all of the time and we can play video games and everything it will be fun!" I said hopeing for a yes he looked happy then sad like some thing had hit him "I want to so bad penny but I cant leave ashley,jinxx,jake,and cc they are my friends and we are part of a band if im in texas how am I suppose to do band practice" he asked I thought for moment he had such a great point but I so badly wanted him to come I ahd wondered if I could convince the boys to come along with me to texas I got onto my phone and set up a group chat that consisted of Ash,CC,Jake,and Jinxx

pennnnyy:hey guys I need to talk to you about something important can yall meet me at starbucks in 10 min?

Asheyboo:uh yea sure

Jakey:yea ofc,why is ashely asheyboo haha

Jinxx the thot:see ya in 10 min,and why the fuck am I a thot

CC:see you there

I begin to laugh as I read all the text I had just received

Asheyboo:well "jakey" if you must know im named asheyboo cuz penny is in love with me

Pennnnnyy:this is false I have a boyfriend



pennnnnyy: go get ready

I set down my phone and run upstairs I throw on a plain white tshirt with a black skater skirt (picture above) I then put on my dark grey vans and put on a few floral braceletts after all it is floral friday (hehe see what I did there) I grab my minnie mouse backpack and put my phone and wallet inside I then run to the bathroom and quickly brush my hair I ran down the stairs quickly "whoa where are you going?" andy ask "Ill be right back love youuu" I say I peck his cheek "Love you too be safe" he says and with that im out the door running to his car I hop in and start up the engine and make my way to starbucks.

I had walked into starbucks and ordered a vanilla bean frappe I found the guys and sat next to jake and ashely "hey guys" I said cheerfully they all said their hello's and we talked for a bit "so Penny what did ya need to talk to us about" jake said with a curious smile I took a breath and began to explain the entire plan of how I wanted andy to come live in texas with me and how he wouldnt move without them and the rest of the situation "so what do you guys say,I know its a huge step and its hard to think about considering-" I was cut off by jake "Im in I mean how bad could it be its not like we have anything here anyways,at least I dont" he said with a smile I looked to the other guys who seemed to be deep in thought "Ok im in jake has a very good point" ashely piped up soon all of the guys had agreed to the plan and I was so happy "ok this is great so I leave back home in 2 days Ill take Andy with me and you guys get your moving situation sorted Ill help andy look for a house so you guys have a place when you get to texas,sound like a plan?" I asked "yepp" they said in unison I smiled "okay I love you guys see you soon" I said I ran to teh car and raced home to andy I bursted through the door "ANDY GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE" I yelled jumping like a 5 year old andy came zooming down the stairs almost falling "what,what happend are you okay,are you hurt?" he asked "andy I am fine go pack your coming home with me!" I said happily "penny I already told you I-" I cut him off "I go the  guys to agree to moving to texas everything is already sorted go get everything you need." I told him excitedly he smiled and hugged me "thank you so much penny" he said holding me "of course andy" I pulled away and ran to my room I packed all of my belongings and called otto "hello?" he said "OTTO are alone right now,dont let awsten or geoff hear you go somewhere quite" I said hurridly I heard shuffling and then a door closing "Penny I miss you how are you whats up" he said happily "Im doing great,listen otto Im coming home in 2 days im going to surprise geoff and awsten so dont tell them im coming home,Im also bringing andy he is going to move to texas with me but ill explain that when I get there" I told him "okay that is great I cant wait to see you and I wont tell Geoff or awsten" he said "Okay I got to go Ill see you soon love you otto"I said "Love you tooooo"he said and with that I hung up.

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