Chapter 6

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Penny's POV:

 I woke up to Awsten shaking me awake "come onnnn Penny wake up please" he said with a small smile on his face I look up at him and smile "awsieee lemme sleep" I whine in protest "no come one we perform in 40 minutes get up" he tells me I groan and turn away from him he grunts then picks me up throws me over his shoulder "AWSTEN PUT ME DOWNNN" I yell while kicking he laughs then throws me on the couch and starts tickling me "aws-ten p-lea-se" I say in between giggles "TELL ME IM THE BEST TWIN EVER" he yells while laughing "YOU-R T-THE BEST T-TW-IN EVERR" I yell he stops tickling me and laughs I too laugh and finally catch my breath "now go get dresseddd" awsten whines I get up and wal over to my bag I look thorugh it and finally decide on some high waisted ripped up skinny jeans with a maroon colored cropped t shirt and my black and white vans,I walk over to the bathroon just as Geoff is walking out in just a towel,I blush "u-uh um haha hi sorry" Geoff says "no its fine haha" i laugh nervously he smiles his adorable smile and I walk pass him to the bathroom.I turn on the shower and do my normal routine which consist of me shampooing and conditioning my hair, washing my face ,brushing my teeth,and washing up my body,I turn off the shower and dry off I go to grab my clothes and realize they arnt there I look around confused then remember I left them on my bunk I call out for awsten but get a response from Geoff "AWSTEN AND OTTO LEFT TO GO GET SOME SNACKS AND STUFF" Geoff yells "shit" I mumble "UM HET GEOFF CAN YOU DO SOMETHING FOR ME PLEASE" I yell from the bathroom I crack the bathroom door open a lil so he can hear me he walks over "wassu- oh you forgot you clothes didnt you" he says with dark red cheeks "u-um yea um can you hand me my clothes off my bunk" I asked embarresed "of course he says with a small smile" I wait a few seconds and he returns with my clothes he hands me everything but drops my black lacey bra "u-uhh" he stumbles on his words as he picks up the bra and quickly hands it to me 'fuck' I mutter under my breath,I put on my clothes,dry my hair and do my very simple boring makeup which consist of some concealer mascara and eyeliner and exit the bathroom.

A/N: Hey short chapter sorry hope my writting isnt to bad like I said this is my first story haha,anyways see ya in the next chapter


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