Chapter 4

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Geoff's POV: "guys this is penny" awsten said I stared at her she was beautiful she had the same eyes as awsten one gorgeous blue eye and one gorgeous green eye she had tan skin and beautiful long dirty blonde hair with purple tips,and she had an adorable black nose ring just like mine,after otto and her exchanged a hug I too went in for one as well her skin was so soft and she smelled like apples and cinnamon I loved it I loved he- 'nope nope cant fall for your best friends sister,awsten would never let that happen,but Oh how badly I want her and her soft pink lips' I thought to myself,Awsten snapped me out of my thoughts by clapping and leading us into the bus.

Penny's POV:We had just settled in and I was sitting on the couch I was content with the sleep situation as awsten was above me Geoff was across from me and otto was on top of him across from Awsten.Im not going to lie I really like Geoff I know I just met him but gah there is jsut something about him that just pulls me in his adorable smile and his soft brown hair and his gorgeous big blue eyes,Oh his eyes I could get lost in them,his lips looked soft and gentle and I wanted to feel them against mine,I was pulled out of my thoughts when Otto and Geoff sat on either side of me,I blushed as Geoffs hand brushed over mine and I looked down,My head then shot up when I heard an all to familliar sound I looked up towards the TV and smiled a big smile "You guys have Mario Kart" I said excitedly Geoff looked at me with a big smile as did Otto "YES we play all the time in like the master at it" Geoff said excitedly I laughed then Awsten walked in "I dont know Geoff my sister her might be better then you,ya might wanna watch out"Awsten said with a smirk "Oh really is that so,then I Geoff Wigington challenge you to a Mario Kart race"he says with a smirk I smile then say "I Penny Knight accept your challenge" "oohh boy here we go" Awsten says jokingly.

We get all set up then start playing I win the first round and start m victory dance "dont get to excited princess we still have 3 more rounds" Geoff says I blush at he nickname he gave me I sit back down and get ready for the next round this goes on for about an hour screaming,cussing,laughing.We finally get to the last round I was in the lead just then Geoff hits me with a red shell and speeds pass me and wins the game "YESS I WINN HAHHA" he yells and starts dancing around I chuckle then say "ahhh whatever bud you win thisss time" he laughs and I notice a blush form on his cheeks,or maybe im just seeing things there is no way Geoff Wigington likes me,this is my last thought before sleep over comes my body.

A/N:Heyo,are you guys enjoying it so far? I hope so welp ill see yall in the next chapter.


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