The Dark Heart!

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Meanwhile back at Iris, Araina and Praxina. It was already morning, they all woke up from there slumber. They  went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Iris sees Philip cooking breakfast for them all.

Mmmm... What's that amazing smell? Said Araina.

Oh! You guys are awake. I'm cooking my amazing red velvet pancakes and eggs. Said Philip.

Oh! Said Praxina.

I'll be done in ten mitunes. Said Philip.

Ok! Said Iris, Araina and Praxina.

They left the kitchen. When they left Phillip started to put in a strange ingredient in the pancakes.

Yes! Let me put in little pieces of the dark heart in the pancakes. Whispered Phillip.

He put in six pieces into the batter. He started to mix the pancake mix. Two minutes later he started to cook the pancakes and them he put them on the plates.

Yes! I'll never be only again. They'll all stay here with me forever. They'll always be in love with me without even fighting over me. Whispered Phillip.

He smiled really big and left the kitchen. He put the pancakes and eggs and the table.

Girls! Breakfast is ready. Shouted Phillip.

Iris, Araina and Praxina went into the kitchen and sat down on the chairs.

Wow! This looks good. Said Iris.

Yeah! It does, thank you for making these pancakes and eggs for us. Said Araina.

Yeah! Thanks, Phillip. Said Praxina.

Eat up girls! Said Phillip.

They all started to eat the pancakes and eggs. He smiled really big but he was hiding his smile from them. When they were all done eating they felt weird. There eyes turned all glowing red and they all looked at Phillip. They were all deeply in love with him especially Praxina.

Your so cute, Phillip! Said Araina.

Your so amazing, Philip! Said Praxina.

Your so smart, Philip! Said Iris.

Oh! Thank you girls. Say, do all of you want to stay another night? Asked Philip.

STAY! WE WANT TO LIVE HERE WITH YOU!!!! Said Iris, Araina and Praxina.

Ok! Girls. Let's all go to me hot pond. Shall we, girls! Said Philip.

Yes! Said Iris, Araina and Praxina.

Ok! Follow me. Said Philip.

They all followed him to the hot pond to hang out with him. Two hours later they were all over him and he loved the company.

Girls! I need to check on something. Said Philip.

Ok! Be back. Said Iris, Arania and Praxina.

Philip leaves the ponds and goes into his room. He looks at a chess right under his bed. He takes it out of his bed. He opens the chess and there appears the "Dark Heart" in his chess.
He grads in out and goes into his secret room. He puts it inside a glass box. The "Dark Heart" was glowing red and black.

While this is here away from everything and everyone else They'll stay in love with me forever. I'll never be only ever again! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Said Philip.

Back in the future, Future Mephisto, Future Talia, Mephisto and Talia were still fighting Kakos

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Back in the future, Future Mephisto, Future Talia, Mephisto and Talia were still fighting Kakos. Anastasia hits him with her hammer. Kakos gets really hurt. Deinos stops the whole thing to help his brother up. Deinos picks up him twin brother "Kakos". When he teleported he drop the "Time Watch" on the floor and Deinos or Kakos didn't noticed.

We'll be back! Said Deinos.

Deinos teleports out of there with his brother.

There gone! Mephisto.

But we have the "Time Watch" dad! Said Damien.

What? You do. Said Future Mephisto.

Yes!!! Said Damien.

Thank you so much! Said Future Mephisto.

Your welcome, dad! Said Future Mephisto.

Now we need to fix it and find Iris, Araina and Praxina. Said Talia.

Ok! Let's go back to the castle shall we, baby. Said Future Talia.

Alright! Sweetheart. Said Future  Mephisto.

Mephisto grads a teleporter and throws it to the floor. It opened a big portal. They all went inside the portal.

When we go home, I think we need a long talk about you going with us on missions. Said Future Talia.

But mom! Said Damien and Anastasia.

No buts just go! Said Future Talia.

Ok! Mom. Said Anastasia and Dainem.

Dainem and Anastasia went into the portal than Talia went inside the portal, the portal closes.

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