A Beginning of a War!

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Kakos and Deinos were all looking at them.

Attack and get the "Time Watch" for me, my babies! Said Kakos.

The monsters attacked them so they attacked back.

Don't let them get the "Time Watch" if they do they can rule of of time. Shouted Future Mephisto.

I got it! Said Talia.

Give me the "Time Watch" Mephisto! Said Future Talia.

What? Why? Said Future Mephisto.

Just trust me, Mephisto! Said Future Talia.

Ok! I trust you. Said Future Mephisto.

Mephisto gave the "Time Watch" to his wife "Talia". She ran off with the "Time Watch".

Um... Me get your friends and follow me! Shouted Talia.

Ok! Said Talia.

Talia ran towards Iris and Araina.

Go get Mephisto and Praxina we need to get out of here now! Said Talia.

Ok! Talia. Said Iris.

Iris and Araina got Praxina and Mephisto and then they followed Future Talia. Future Talia stopped and stood seeing her husband fighting off the monsters.

Mephisto! Come on. Screamed Future Talia.

I'll hold them off just go and protect the "Time Watch" and you know how to send them back, right! Said Future Mephisto.

Yeah! I know how. Said Future Talia.

And one more thing... remember that spell we practice! Said Future Mephisto.

The only spell that we did all of our lives! Said Future Talia.

Yes! You have to do it. They know to much! Said Future Mephisto.

If you say so, Mephisto! Said Future Talia.

Talia starts to walk away but stops for a minute. She looks at Mephisto and a tear falls down her cheek. Before leaving her husband "Mephisto" she said four words.

I love you, Mephisto! Said Future Talia.

Mephisto looks at Talia and says the same thing to her.

I love you too! Said Future Mephisto.

Goodbye my Love! Said Future Talia.

Talia leaves and gets the others. While Mephisto fights off the monsters and the evil twins. But he was too busy fighting the monsters the twins seek up on them than blust him behind the back. Mephisto fell to the floor hard but he was still alive. Kakos walk towards him and gets ready to stab him with his crystal sword but Deinos stops him from killing him.

What are you doing, Deinos?! Said Kakos.

We need brother! He can help us get the "Time Watch" back. Said Deinos.

Hmmm... Your right brother. We should mind control him. Said Kakos.

Brilliant my brother! Said Deinos.

Let's take him back than we'll work on our brilliant plan of ours! Said Kakos.

Yes! Let's go. Said Deinos.

Kakos and Deinos commanded a monster to grab Mephisto back to there lair. They went off walking with Mephisto in the monsters arms. Meanwhile Future Talia and the others got to the castle on time.

Ok! The "Time Watch" is already now. Said Future Talia.

Wait a minute, we're not going to help you save your husband! Said Iris.

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