True Love Part Two!

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When Talia, Future Talia, Iris and Araina went inside the portal they all ended up back to the town but in the past.

Are we back home? Asked Talia.

No! Where in the town but a different period of time. Said Future Talia.

Oh, sorry. Said Talia.

Let's just find King... Um... well I mean Nathaniel and fix Iris first than we can fix Araina. Said Future Talia.

Ok! Got it. Said Talia.

Let's go! Said Future Talia.

They all went walking to the smoothie shop to get Nathaniel. When they got to the smoothie shop, Iris's eyes started to turn red orange when she saw Nathaniel. That means she's turning back to normal but she was still in love with Philip. They looked around the shop for there past selfs but they weren't there, they were relieved so they walked inside of the shop but Future Talia stayed outside.

Talia, Iris and Araina walked towards Nathaniel. They smiled and waved at him, he waved and smile back at them.

How you girls doing today?! Said Nathaniel.

Um... Great! Said Talia.

Oh, hi Iris! Said Nathaniel.

Um... Hi Nathaniel! Said Iris.

Iris started to turn red. Her eyes started to turn light red. The "Dark Heart" shards inside of her heart was fading away but not really completely.

Um... Iris can I ask you something? Asked Nathaniel.

What is it? Asked Iris.

How can I make Iris and Nathaniel go out with each other? Said Talia in her mind.

Do you want to go to the Carnival this weekend? Said Nathaniel.

Nathaniel was turning all red all over.

Really! Yeah sure. Said Iris.

Really! Oh thank you. Well go on Saturday, Ok! Said Nathaniel.

OK! Said Iris.

Ok! See you on Saturday than. Said Nathaniel.

Um.. We have to go, right guys! Said Talia.

Oh yeah we have to go, bye Nathaniel. Said Iris.

Oh! Bye. Said Araina.

They left the smoothie shop than to go get Future Talia.

How did it go? Asked Future Talia.

It went really well, I have to say that was really easy! Said Talia.

Ok, now we need to fix Araina now! Said Future Talia.

Oh! Yeah. Said Talia.

Hey! Guys we shouldfind Matt, right. Said Iris.

That's a good idea, Iris! Said Talia.

So what are we standing here for let's go get him, fix Iris and Araina than go straight back home... well my home! Said Future Talia.

They ran as fast as they can to the old museum they went inside of the old museum but Future Talia stayed behind to keep a watch. Iris and Talia found Matt boxing some boxes in a closet.

Hey! Araina you should talk to Matt over there. Said Talia.

Araina saw Matt, her eyes started to turn red orange just like Iris. She walked up to Matt. She tap him on his shoulder. He turned around, seeing Araina.

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