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Magpie l.o.a.t.h.e.s obligation.

'Tis a craft to rumble and riff.

Paying obeisance hardly fits.

Tuck those feathers! Tart that face!

And for heaven's sake, no disgrace!

Magpie l.o.v.e.s disgrace, a fallen crown,

 jewels scattered on the ground.

She eyes them for later, re-

members their positioning,

distracts ...squeep... with flair,

darting plumes here 'n there,

hopes to delay requisitioning.

Greedy Magpie squeep...squeep

swoops 'n flits, flits 'n swoops,

filibusters on day of reckoning.

Surely they don't expect her bow

or other self-abasing kowtow.

After all, Magpie's not hu*men

but obeys instinctual numen.

A quintessential mimic, Magpie

mistakes squabble for her plight,

fondles shiny bauble but loses sight

of cast of characters on standby.

Magpie PearlsWhere stories live. Discover now